patrykb said:
Hi Alex
Yeah I know. But 2 days ago I checked his website and in "what's
version 8.0.20 he did write sth. like: "improved scan quality in
dimage scan
IV" so I hoped he managed to get rid of the infamous bands.
Now it's no longer there. He only mentions improvements from v 8.1
to 8.1.1.
When he upgraded Vuescan to version 8.0 + he also deleted the
"what's new
history" from previous versions i.e. 7.x. - I guess it works that
As I said, I did experience the bands but had no problem with
auto-focus. I
even found the scans made with Vuescan superior (in their sharpness)
to KM's
Dimage Scan Utility (they seemd a bit softer) - I posted this
problem here
some time ago.
But I must say that apart from this I'm totally fine with KM's
software and
I think it's very convnient to use.
As soon as I get back home I wiil give the new Vuescan version a
try. Let's
hope it works.
Thx for feedback
Patrick B
Well, I did try version 8.1.1 and to my amazement the color banding
problem seems to have gone away practically completely!! Ed mentions
nowhere since v.8.0.10 that he has tackled the problem so I assumed
it is still there.
I compared several negatives that showed the effect (an unexposed
frame is best) and only with difficulty I can see very faint banding
using the newest version, while version 8.0.10 produces conspicuous
color banding. That was a pleasant surprise. I sincerely hope that
this important property of VS is here to stay
Autofocus with VS is in my hands still not useful: I consistently get
unsharp scans using auto and I have to go by manual focus. On the
other hand the Minolta sw always results in sharp autofocus scans. As
soon as you are back, please give me an example of your workflow with
VS so I can see if I can duplicate it.