VSS ans C# code /a beginner question

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genc ymeri

I'm starting a project in C#. What files should I store in VSS beside C#
source code ? ( I see other type files there as well)

Thanks in advance.
you can store whole solutuion in the VSS

To do this just click Project popup menu and then click "Add Solution to
Source Control"
I would advice to store only projects, not solutions at all. It is much more better for team development.
If you right-click on a project in the Solution Explorer window, use the Add
Solution to Source Control... option.

The "solution" (*.sln) is the root object in the Solution Explorer window.
A "project" (for C# it is *.csproj) is it's immediate child. Multiple
projects can be in one solution, but Visual Studio only let's you have one
solution open at a time.

Some shops don't put the solution in source control so that different team
members can put their own mix of projects in their private solutions.
Whether or not this is a requirement depends on your situation. In a single
project shop it's fine if *.sln is in source control.

Notice that VS won't put some files in source control automatically, like
*.suo and *.csproj.user, because these need to vary between user -- e.g.,
when you open a project notice that the the same files you had open the last
time you closed the project are opened again.
I got it.

Thanks a lot.

Brad Williams said:
If you right-click on a project in the Solution Explorer window, use the Add
Solution to Source Control... option.

The "solution" (*.sln) is the root object in the Solution Explorer window.
A "project" (for C# it is *.csproj) is it's immediate child. Multiple
projects can be in one solution, but Visual Studio only let's you have one
solution open at a time.

Some shops don't put the solution in source control so that different team
members can put their own mix of projects in their private solutions.
Whether or not this is a requirement depends on your situation. In a single
project shop it's fine if *.sln is in source control.

Notice that VS won't put some files in source control automatically, like
*.suo and *.csproj.user, because these need to vary between user -- e.g.,
when you open a project notice that the the same files you had open the last
time you closed the project are opened again.
A solution is a container for projects. When you open a project, VS will
open a solution for you (I do not know the algorithm, but it seems to me
that it looks in the current directory and then the parent directory for the
..sln file).

Each project creates its own assembly (DLL or EXE).

So a solution allows you to group together a set of projects needed to build
a single application.

That said, I disagree with boudino... I always store my Solution file in

Changing a solution file is rare, and there is nothing preventing a
developer from creating a subset solution file that contains only a few of
the projects... however, from a build standpoint, it is very helpful if
there is a single object that defines the necessary compiled components to
produce an output package.

My $0.02,
--- Nick
I appreciate your thoughts.

Thank you.

Nick Malik said:
A solution is a container for projects. When you open a project, VS will
open a solution for you (I do not know the algorithm, but it seems to me
that it looks in the current directory and then the parent directory for the
.sln file).

Each project creates its own assembly (DLL or EXE).

So a solution allows you to group together a set of projects needed to build
a single application.

That said, I disagree with boudino... I always store my Solution file in

Changing a solution file is rare, and there is nothing preventing a
developer from creating a subset solution file that contains only a few of
the projects... however, from a build standpoint, it is very helpful if
there is a single object that defines the necessary compiled components to
produce an output package.

My $0.02,
--- Nick
