VS8 can not connet to the source safe server

  • Thread starter Thread starter csharpdevp
  • Start date Start date



When I tried loading my project in VS8 today, it gave the following

"could not find the visual sourcesafe internet web service connection

I find this strange as I never set up any sort of web service
connection and was just connecting to a server on another computer in
our local area network. Strangely enough, I am able to access this
database through the Source Safe client software, but VS8 itself can
not connect to the database. If I try to make it search for it, it
always asks for an IP address with the http protocol (to a DNS server
or some other websiter), and a second field called Folder which has the
path to the srcsafe.ini file located on the server machine.

I have been working on my solution for the past few days, and this is
the first time I've encountered this problem. Any help would be great!


I just had the same problem.

somehow, the vs8 decided to switch to vss internet connection.

what u should do is go to Tools->Options from the visual studio,
then choose source control, and plug-in selection

and switch back to "Microsoft Visual SourceSafe", instead of "Microsoft
Visual SourceSafe (Internet)"


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