VS2005 not showing events window in property pane for any web controls



I have an interesting problem. I wanted to see the events available for a
control. Yesterday it was a button, today it is a TreeView. When I right
click the treeview and go to properties, There is no events button in the
toolbar... Any idea how to get it back?

Lloyd Sheen

Sunfire said:
I have an interesting problem. I wanted to see the events available for a
control. Yesterday it was a button, today it is a TreeView. When I right
click the treeview and go to properties, There is no events button in the
toolbar... Any idea how to get it back?

If you are using VB as language you may have an error which seems to cause
the IDE to lose some of its Intellisence and other aids in programming. I
have seen it happen and that seems the only common thread. I have had to
either fix the problem, rebuild the web site or "get out of the car and get
back in" (restart VS)



I use c# when I write. It happens all the time. Even when I leave and come
back it is still gone. There was even a wierd time when I was writing
something to send mail for a website and my MailMessage code couldnt be
found by Intellisence. It even went so far as to tell me that
MailMessage.IsBodyHtml didn't exist... go figure... and when I hit f1 on the
MailMessage Message = new MailMessage() line, it brought up help for office
InterOp? Not when using System.Net.Mail it shouldn't...

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