vs.net problem with creation of directories

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I am using vs.net 2003 on local desktop.
I cannot create a directory as it keeps telling me it already exists. I cancel out and it creates a folder called NewFolderX where x is incremented by 1.
I puts this file in the root of the web. If i open with file manager i can delete these folders however the next time i open vs.net it recreates those directories.

I cannot remove these directories nor can i create new ones with different names.


Thanks for your post. As I understand, the problem you are facing is that
VS .NET IDE cannot create a directory for ASP .NET Web Application. Please
correct me if there is any misunderstanding. I think more information is
needed before moving forward:

1. Where does your Web Server locate, local or remote?

2. Please open the File Explorer and make sure the diretory does not exist
before creating a new ASP .NET Web Application.

3. In the "New Project" dialog of VS .NET, you can either type in the
"Location" edit box to change the location and directory name of the new
project, or click the "Browse..." button to select the parent folder of
your project.

4. In addition, could you please tell me the detailed steps to reproduce
the problem? I will be glad to check it on my side.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Have a nice day!


Microsoft Online Partner Support

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The web server is localhost on windows xp

I set my default web site to c:\inetput\wwwroot\ and created the web appplication called WebProject. I then modified the sln file to so that the path was http://localhost/ and I went into iis to change the home default web path to c:\inetpu\wwwroot\WebProject so that I can deal with this web application as the default web

I opened file explorer and the directories do not exists

This problem is occuring on my home pc. I dont believe i have had this problem on my work laptop before

It is really odd, because I cannot create a folder called images. I can create the directory within file explorer and then show all files within vs.net and add the directory. But from with vs.net ide i cannot create commonly named folders. Could vs.net be thinking it is pointing at antoher directory

I have opened my .vbproj file and it does not have any reference to the images directory

Please let me know if you need more information

Thanks for your reply. I tried on my side, however, I am not able to
reproduce the problem on a Windows XP system. Here is what I did:

1. I built a new Windows XP system with VS .NET 2003. The default web site
is c:\inetpub\wwwroot.

2. Create a new ASP .NET Web Application named WebProject.

3. Go to My Documents -> Visual Studio Projects -> WebProject, open the
WebProject.sln file and change
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "WebProject",
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "WebProject",

4. Open "Control Panel" -> "Administrative Tools" -> "Internet Information
Services (IIS) Manager", right-click "Default Web Site", choose
"Properties", go to "Home Directory" panel, browse "Local path" to
c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\WebProject, click "OK" buttons to save the setting.

5. Open the WebProject.sln and the project is opened properly.

Did you perform the same steps? Did you mean that wwwroot\WebProject folder
was created and somehow deleted after change the home directory of default
web site? If so, I recommend you use FileMon to monitor the file access to
find out which application deleted the directories. You can download
FileMon at the following link:


I am standing by for your result.


Microsoft Online Partner Support

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