VS.NET add-in question

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steve H
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Steve H

I am trying to create a Visual Studio Add-in that accesses a database
project. The problem is that I cannot access the database project object in
the solution using the Projects.Item method. The only way I can get the
object is using a for..each on the Solution.Projects Collection as follows:

For Each oProj In applicationObject.Solution.Projects

When I step the debug run and hit the database project in the above
for..each loop, all members on the project are null. If I try to execute
the MsgBox(oProj.Name) against the object, the Add-In stops running and I'm
returned to the IDE as if nothing happened. All other projects in the
solution (VB.NET, C# and Setup projects) have associated project objects
that appear correctly (all members are populated.)

Any ideas on why this is happening?

Thank you,
It is happening that database projects are "unmodeled projects" and you can
retrieve names and little more. It is explained in MS Press book "Inside
Visual Studio .Net 2003" (applies also to VS.Net 2002) by Craig Skibo and
others, a must have book.

The microsoft.public.vs.net.ide is the best group for add-ins questions, not
to mention the free yahoo group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vsnetaddin/


Carlos Quintero
Thanks for the note on unmodeled projects and the book recommendation. I
just placed an order for the book at Amazon. I'll also check out the
vs.net.ide group you mentioned.

Thanks again,