VS .Net 2003/Windows File Protection wanting SP4 CD

  • Thread starter Thread starter VBYoni
  • Start date Start date


(Crossposting to Win2k.general group due to similar problem posted
there below.)
I am experiencing the same problem described below -
I am trying to install VS.net 2003 on a WS with Win2K Sp4.
The Pre-reqs fail at installing Frontpage Extensions, and the
workaround of running weccom.msi directly prompts for the SP4 CD. I
don't have a SP4 CD!!!!
Scott - If you're out there - did you solve your problem?
One additional comment/question -
For VS.net to run on Win2K, does it require personal IIS running on
the client?
Thanks for any and all help

Jonathan Steinberg
(e-mail address removed)
The good news is that Miscrosoft is rather quick to help resolve their
messes. A call to MS suppost provided the resoltion to this;

It turns out there are 3 files that need to be manually copied to
solve this particluar problem;
need to be copied manually to the directory -
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server
(The sticker in my case was fp4awel.dll - I already had the other 2)
These files are in the SP4 CD in the FP4ext.cab (i Actually did get a
SP4 CD, which has the .cabs - it did not solve the problem below,
though. The files should also be in other SP , or the OS disk itself)
According to MS support, I should then also clear out my %Temp% dir.
The FP extension then installed OK from the VS Pre-reqs disc, and I
was able to proceed to step 2 of the install. WooHoo!