I am now doing things one at a time to see when or if it fails. I
really wish that MS would after so many years get rid of the non resizable
dialogs they use (a pet peeve from windows 3 days)
That was my frustration for many years in VS, however after a communication
with the VB.team about that, it is changed in the VS versions after 2003.
Although they did a half job it is much better now. You can now resize the
dialog windows in Visual Studio, they only don't know yet that after there
should be grips on those dialogs, so you are not aware of that, maybe in the
2014 version.
By the way, this is my main frustration with Microsoft products in Office
and Vista. In Office there is a dialog box for languages; In countries
outside the USA like Holland, where normaly more than two languages this is
often used (It pops up even automaticly). That listbox is 2 lines high and
not resizable even the site bar his onreachable, you can only click on up
and down, this has been in all versions of Office even the newest.
As well has Vista a non resizable Start box, where maybe it is for English
suitable, for Dutch it is really a pain.
However I have in no way communication with Microsoft of these parts more
than you. The arrogance of those Microsoft parts for users outside the USA
is really terrible. I have stopped to use connect, I get only messages back
like "It is not seen as a major problem and will not be fixed".