Hi all:
I have a device .CE NET 4.20 and work with VS 2005 CF 2.0 SP1...
Can use the SQL Server Mobile 2005?
the following error ocurs :"File or assembly name System.Data.SqlserverCE,
VErsion=3.0.3600.0, CUlture =neutral,PublicKeyToken =...." or one of its
dependencies, was not found"
Thanks all..
I have a device .CE NET 4.20 and work with VS 2005 CF 2.0 SP1...
Can use the SQL Server Mobile 2005?
the following error ocurs :"File or assembly name System.Data.SqlserverCE,
VErsion=3.0.3600.0, CUlture =neutral,PublicKeyToken =...." or one of its
dependencies, was not found"
Thanks all..