Shawk said:
Disable it here out of habit. When it first came out lots of folk had probs
with it. The latest version might be OK? Shaun.
I have it disabled. For ages my system has had the "stuck thread" problem
(but only on cards newer than the 8500 series). Before the VPU recovery
feature, I always had the opportunity to save my work when the screen
reverted to 640x480. With VPU recovery enabled, the system always crashed
hard - no recovery, no opportunity to save. So, of course I disabled it.
I recently jumped from CAT 3.7 to 4.4 when I bought Far Cry, and also
flashed the latest BIOS to my motherboard, disabled VPU recovery and
Fastwrites as normal, and knock on wood but I haven't had a single problem
since the updates, and It's been a couple of weeks already.
- Daniel