VPN with single NIC?

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Is it possible to setup a VPN server using a single NIC in Win2003? If so
how would I go about it? If not, Can someone clarify how to use two NIC's? I
have a cable connection going into a Linksys BEFSR41 router and going to the
rest of my 4 machine network from there. I'm thinking that I would have to
plug both NIC's into the router/switch but that can't be right...

Yes you can use two NIC's on one router, make sure thae
router can see both NICs by using one for your inside
address and one for your outside address or VPN
So it's safe to assume that as long as each NIC has a different IP address
assigned to it, then the router will see both NIC's? I would then just
forward the VPN port to which ever NIC I use for the outside conections?
You can create a software VPN just fine with a single NIC.

Just turn up RRAS -- but don't use the VPN "wizard" which
will insist on a 2-NIC configuration (who knows why).
Just select a "manual" RRAS configuration. This installs
IP routing and RAS services. You then just create
the VPN connections in the RRAS console in the normal

There is no point to a second NIC unless you don't
want VPN traffic on your LAN for some reason.

Steve Duff, MCSE
Ergodic Systems, Inc.