VPN PPTP between W2k and W2k3

  • Thread starter Thread starter James Brown
  • Start date Start date

James Brown

does someone knows this problem?
When I establish a PPTP connection from a Windows Server 2003 to a Windows
2000 Server (SP2)
the connection dissconnects after 1 minute (sometimes shorter).
In this short minute i can ping my remote windows 2000 server.
In the event viewer of the windows 2000 server i have an entry: the
connection disconnets because
of a user request.
No entry in the windows 2003 viewer.

Thanks for support.

wer kennt dieses Problem?
Bei einer PPTP Verbindung zwischen einem Windows 2000 Server (SP2) und einen
Windows 2003 Server wird
eine Verbindung aufgebaut und immer kurz danach wieder getrennt (ca. 1
Minute). Während dieser Minute kann ich
auf den Remoteserver pingen.
In der Ereignisanzeige steht bei Grund für die Trennung: Benutzeranforderung

Gibt es hier ein Kompatibilitätsproblem mit dem SP2?

Danke für jede Hilfe.
I would like to know the details of this issue. Can you please check the
following ?
a) Do you have the group policies governing a set of users with session
timout equal to 1 min? such as quarantine policies?
b) Do you see any interesting info event viewer logs?
c) Is it okay for you to post the tracing logs. You can do this using
following commands

1) netsh ras set tracing * dis
This will disable all RAS related tracing, if any,

2) Go to %systemroot%\tracing directory and delete all old tracing files.
You may want to take a backup first.

3) netsh ras set tracing * en
This will enable all RAS related tracing.

4) Try to recreate the issue and disable the tracing afterwards (using step

You would need to do this on both sides simultabeously. If you can post both
the server side and the client side logs, we can investigate it.

How are you setting up the VPN? Via Network
Connections? Are both machines Servers? If so, that's
the problem. I had the same issue. You're trying to
connect the two servers via a client / server

Let me know if that's the case.
As per James' original message, both are server machines but this should
not be a problem. VPN connection is possible between two server machines.

This seems to be a different issue. Once we get the details requested
below, we can investigate it better.

Sandeep Rikhi
Microsoft Corporation
This posting is provided "AS IS", with NO warranties and
confers NO rights


How are you setting up the VPN? Via Network
Connections? Are both machines Servers? If so, that's
the problem. I had the same issue. You're trying to
connect the two servers via a client / server

Let me know if that's the case.