VPN + port-forwarding

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andreas Hornig
  • Start date Start date

Andreas Hornig

hi *,

i've just a little question:

i set up W2K-Server recieving VPN over ethernet.
Connecting from W2K Pro seems to act fine. Now my
question: which ports has to be configured as forwarding
to the server in my internet-router? e.g. 80/udp,
21/tcp, ...

quoted from http://www.ChicagoTech.net
Which ports need to be opened for running VPN

A: PPTP VPN uses TCP Port 1723, IP Protocol 47 (GRE); L2TP: UDP Port 1701;
IPSec: UDP Port 500, Pass IP protocol 50 and 51. Note: 47 is a protocol
number and not TCP port. The protocol name is GRE. It'll make a big
difference when configuring your firewall or router.
For more and other information, go to http://www.ChicagoTech.net

Don't send e-mail or reply to me except you need consulting services.
Posting on MS newsgroup will benefit all readers and you may get more help.

Networking, Internet, Routing, VPN, Anti-Virus, Tips & Troubleshooting on
Networking Solutions, http://www.chicagotech.net/networksolutions.htm
VPN Solutions, http://www.chicagotech.net/vpnsolutions.htm
VPN Process and Error Analysis, http://www.chicagotech.net/VPN process.htm
VPN Troubleshooting, http://www.chicagotech.net/vpn.htm
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.
If you can connect to the server, everything you need must already be set

All data that comes through the VPN connection is encrypted, so it is
not seen by the firewall. Any forwarding or filtering set up on the firewall
does not affect the VPN traffic. The firewall only sees the "wrapper" on the
packet which contains the encrypted data.