To configure a VPN connection between two Windows 2000 Professional systems,
read here:
Windows 2000 cannot, however, serve as a remote access host. There are
various hardware and software alternatives out there, and no telling which
one would be right for you. Phillip has suggested RealVNC
( as one alternative, and it's one I both use and
endorse as well. In a corporate environment, or where security is
important, you may wish to consider his other suggestion of PCAnywhere.
Richard G. Harper [MVP Win9x] (e-mail address removed)
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NK said:
I am going from a remote XP system to a host Win 2000 Pro system. I
access to a shared folder via a VPN connection. Also, I cannot see a link
from someone named Richard. Please help!
Also, this is Win 200 Pro, not Server. Thanks.
I haven't done VPN between two "Pro" machines unless some other
of firewalls for example) were performing the VPN. See if the link Richard
gave will help with that.
You can run VNC or PCA with or without VPN but it is more secure