VPN connection to domain and password change



I am using a VPN client to remotely connect to my office domain. It works
fine, but when i change my password at work, my xp client at home uses the
old password. Is there a way to configure my xp client to change passwords
when I change it at work?



Just curious when you are conneted to your VPN and you click on View
Workgroup Computers can you see your office computers? Iam trying to setup a
VPN but when I connect I can't see anything on the server I also setup a
server on my machine and have had other people connect via VPN they connect
fine but can't see anything. See my post "VPN in XP Pro" 1/31/05.

On your question just a thought you could setup Remote Desktop on your home
computer then when you change password at work you could RD into your home
computer and change the password there also.

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