Jamie T
Server is SBS 2k fully patched.
Today 2 PDA's and a Laptop are unable to connect to the server over
PPTP VPN (via Vodafone GPRS network). They worked fine last night and
nothing on the server or PDA's has changed. 2 remote PC's (win98 and
winxp) can still access PPTP VPN successfuly (over an ADSL
connection). This makes me think its a problem with Vodafones GPRS
Have trawled various posts concerning this error and tried all the
usual suspects but nothing has resolved it.
Event ID: 20049
"The user connected to port VPN3-127 has been disconnected because the
authentication process did not complete within the required amount of
I enabled tracing and the RASTAPI.log file contains the entries below.
Can anyone deciper them and tell me what might be causing the
08] 22:20:12:507: RasTapicallback: linecallstate=0x2
[3908] 22:20:12:507: DwProcessOfferEvent: hcall=0x100dd
[3908] 22:20:12:507: DwProcessOfferEvent: Accepting call on VPN3-127
hcall = 0x100dd
[3908] 22:20:12:507: DwProcessOfferEvent: CurrentDialInClients=0x1
[3908] 22:20:12:507: DwProcessOfferEvent 0x0
[3620] 22:20:12:507: DeviceWork: VPN3-127. State = 2
[3620] 22:20:12:507: DeviceWork: VPN3-127. lineAccept returned 0x100cc
[3908] 22:20:12:507: LINE_REPLY. param1=0x100cc
[3908] 22:20:12:507: RasTapiCallback: Changing Listen State for
VPN3-127 from 2 -> 3
[3620] 22:20:12:507: DeviceWork: VPN3-127. State = 2
[3620] 22:20:12:523: DeviceWork: VPN3-127. lineAnswer returned 0x100bb
[3908] 22:20:12:523: RasTapicallback: linecallstate=0x100
[3908] 22:20:12:523: DwGetConnectInfo
[3908] 22:20:12:523: DwGetIDInformation
[3908] 22:20:12:523: DwGetIDInformation. 0
[3908] 22:20:12:523: SizeRequired for CallID=16
[3908] 22:20:12:523: DwGetIDInformation
[3908] 22:20:12:523: RasTapiCallback: called id info. not avail
[3908] 22:20:12:523: DwGetIDInformation. 0
[3908] 22:20:12:523: DwGetConnectInfo. 0x0
[3908] 22:20:12:523: RasTapiCallback: DwGetConnectInforeturned 0x0
[3908] 22:20:12:523: RasTapiCallback: Connected on VPN3-127
[3908] 22:20:12:523: RasTapiCallback: Incoming Call
[3908] 22:20:12:523: LINE_REPLY. param1=0x100bb
[3620] 22:20:12:523: DeviceWork: VPN3-127. State = 2
[3620] 22:20:12:523: DeviceWork: Changing State for VPN3-127 from 2 ->
[4592] 22:20:12:523: PortConnect: VPN3-127
[4592] 22:20:12:523:
[4592] 22:22:12:570: PortDisconnect: VPN3-127
[4592] 22:22:12:570: InitiatePortDisconnection: VPN3-127
[4592] 22:22:12:570: IntiatePortDisconnection: WAN Miniport (PPTP),
[4592] 22:22:12:570: InitiatePortDisconnection: Changing state for
VPN3-127 from 3 -> 5
[4592] 22:22:12:570:
[4592] 22:22:12:570:
[3908] 22:22:13:570: RasTapicallback: linecallstate=0x4000
[3908] 22:22:13:570: RasTapiCallback: LINECALLSTATE - initiating Port
[3908] 22:22:13:570: InitiatePortDisconnection: VPN3-127
[3908] 22:22:13:570: InitiatePortDisconnection: Changing state for
VPN3-127 from 5 -> 5
[3908] 22:22:13:570:
[3908] 22:22:13:570: RasTapicallback: linecallstate=0x1
[3908] 22:22:13:570: LINE_REPLY. param1=0x100aa
[3908] 22:22:13:570: LINE_REPLY. param1=0x10099
[3908] 22:22:13:570: RasTapiCallback: Idle Received for port VPN3-127
[3908] 22:22:13:570: RasTapiCallback: changing state of VPN3-127. 5 ->
[3908] 22:22:13:570: RasTapiCallback: lineDeallocateCall for
VPN3-127,hcall = 0x100dd
[3620] 22:22:13:570: PortTestSignalState: DeviceState = 0
[4592] 22:22:13:570: DeviceListen: VPN3-127. State = 1
[4592] 22:22:13:570: DeviceListen: Changing State for VPN3-127 from 1
-> 2
[4592] 22:22:13:570: DeviceListen: Changing Listen State for VPN3-127
from 4 -> 2
[4592] 22:22:13:570:
Today 2 PDA's and a Laptop are unable to connect to the server over
PPTP VPN (via Vodafone GPRS network). They worked fine last night and
nothing on the server or PDA's has changed. 2 remote PC's (win98 and
winxp) can still access PPTP VPN successfuly (over an ADSL
connection). This makes me think its a problem with Vodafones GPRS
Have trawled various posts concerning this error and tried all the
usual suspects but nothing has resolved it.
Event ID: 20049
"The user connected to port VPN3-127 has been disconnected because the
authentication process did not complete within the required amount of
I enabled tracing and the RASTAPI.log file contains the entries below.
Can anyone deciper them and tell me what might be causing the
08] 22:20:12:507: RasTapicallback: linecallstate=0x2
[3908] 22:20:12:507: DwProcessOfferEvent: hcall=0x100dd
[3908] 22:20:12:507: DwProcessOfferEvent: Accepting call on VPN3-127
hcall = 0x100dd
[3908] 22:20:12:507: DwProcessOfferEvent: CurrentDialInClients=0x1
[3908] 22:20:12:507: DwProcessOfferEvent 0x0
[3620] 22:20:12:507: DeviceWork: VPN3-127. State = 2
[3620] 22:20:12:507: DeviceWork: VPN3-127. lineAccept returned 0x100cc
[3908] 22:20:12:507: LINE_REPLY. param1=0x100cc
[3908] 22:20:12:507: RasTapiCallback: Changing Listen State for
VPN3-127 from 2 -> 3
[3620] 22:20:12:507: DeviceWork: VPN3-127. State = 2
[3620] 22:20:12:523: DeviceWork: VPN3-127. lineAnswer returned 0x100bb
[3908] 22:20:12:523: RasTapicallback: linecallstate=0x100
[3908] 22:20:12:523: DwGetConnectInfo
[3908] 22:20:12:523: DwGetIDInformation
[3908] 22:20:12:523: DwGetIDInformation. 0
[3908] 22:20:12:523: SizeRequired for CallID=16
[3908] 22:20:12:523: DwGetIDInformation
[3908] 22:20:12:523: RasTapiCallback: called id info. not avail
[3908] 22:20:12:523: DwGetIDInformation. 0
[3908] 22:20:12:523: DwGetConnectInfo. 0x0
[3908] 22:20:12:523: RasTapiCallback: DwGetConnectInforeturned 0x0
[3908] 22:20:12:523: RasTapiCallback: Connected on VPN3-127
[3908] 22:20:12:523: RasTapiCallback: Incoming Call
[3908] 22:20:12:523: LINE_REPLY. param1=0x100bb
[3620] 22:20:12:523: DeviceWork: VPN3-127. State = 2
[3620] 22:20:12:523: DeviceWork: Changing State for VPN3-127 from 2 ->
[4592] 22:20:12:523: PortConnect: VPN3-127
[4592] 22:20:12:523:
[4592] 22:22:12:570: PortDisconnect: VPN3-127
[4592] 22:22:12:570: InitiatePortDisconnection: VPN3-127
[4592] 22:22:12:570: IntiatePortDisconnection: WAN Miniport (PPTP),
[4592] 22:22:12:570: InitiatePortDisconnection: Changing state for
VPN3-127 from 3 -> 5
[4592] 22:22:12:570:
[4592] 22:22:12:570:
[3908] 22:22:13:570: RasTapicallback: linecallstate=0x4000
[3908] 22:22:13:570: RasTapiCallback: LINECALLSTATE - initiating Port
[3908] 22:22:13:570: InitiatePortDisconnection: VPN3-127
[3908] 22:22:13:570: InitiatePortDisconnection: Changing state for
VPN3-127 from 5 -> 5
[3908] 22:22:13:570:
[3908] 22:22:13:570: RasTapicallback: linecallstate=0x1
[3908] 22:22:13:570: LINE_REPLY. param1=0x100aa
[3908] 22:22:13:570: LINE_REPLY. param1=0x10099
[3908] 22:22:13:570: RasTapiCallback: Idle Received for port VPN3-127
[3908] 22:22:13:570: RasTapiCallback: changing state of VPN3-127. 5 ->
[3908] 22:22:13:570: RasTapiCallback: lineDeallocateCall for
VPN3-127,hcall = 0x100dd
[3620] 22:22:13:570: PortTestSignalState: DeviceState = 0
[4592] 22:22:13:570: DeviceListen: VPN3-127. State = 1
[4592] 22:22:13:570: DeviceListen: Changing State for VPN3-127 from 1
-> 2
[4592] 22:22:13:570: DeviceListen: Changing Listen State for VPN3-127
from 4 -> 2
[4592] 22:22:13:570: