Vote Tracking issue



Hello everyone. I recently sent a vote out to our exchange users (approx
400-450 users), and noticed that as the responses started coming in, I had
to open each one to tally the vote. No problem, I can handle that.

The issue is, there are about 75-100 that are not being counted and still
remain in my inbox. Is there anyway to process or re-process "Vote
responses" so these missing votes can be counted?


Judy Gleeson MVP Outlook

They get counted when you open them. Have you opened all of them?

Next time try you may want to try a different approach - it saves you from
having to open them all -

say you make 5 buttons to vote: red;green;yellow;blue;pink

also make 5 folders and then make a rule for each returned vote. If subject
contains red: then move to the Red folder. That way you just read the (3)
unread messages in each folder and have your totals.

The downside is that you don't know who voted for what - that's not always
an issue, opening each email can be a pain.

Judy Gleeson [MVP Outlook]
Acorn Training and Consulting

Everyone - turn on your Advanced Toolbars and learn how to use the Field
Chooser and Group by Box!!

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