
  • Thread starter Thread starter Robert
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I have a Dell laptop which I bought used. I can't get the volume on the
speakers to go up high enough so I can hear them well. I set the volume in
the control panel up all the way and it's still not loud enouch. Is there
anything I can do?
Robert said:
I have a Dell laptop which I bought used. I can't get the volume on the
speakers to go up high enough so I can hear them well. I set the volume in
the control panel up all the way and it's still not loud enouch. Is there
anything I can do?

Did you also check if the other sliders, like WAV(e) were something
above the minimal setting? You probably just moved the master volume
slider. Now you have to set the OTHER sliders for the type of audio
being played. Double-click on the sound tray icon to see the
mixer-style Volume Control panel.

Also remember that speakers in laptops really suck. If you want to have
good audio, either connect a pair of powered external speakers or get a
decent headset.
Adding to the comprehensive advice given by "VanguardLH" ; mind also, that
there is a separate volume control on Media Player (your current one AND
the old "mplayer2.exe" which is still included with XP).

This is in addition to the separate controls for "Master Volume" and "WAVE
Out" controls on the "sndvol32.exe" application (brought up by
double-clicking the taskbar "speaker" icon) that "VanguardLH" noted.


Cheers, Tim Meddick, Peckham, London. :-)
I found the problem. On youtube there is a volume slider and when I
moved that the volume got much louder. A friend pointed that out to me.
I didn't know. Sorry for the trouble.
I found the problem. On youtube there is a volume slider and when I moved
that the volume got much louder. A friend pointed that out to me. I
didn't know. Sorry for the trouble.