Volume Shadow Copy Location

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill Marriott
  • Start date Start date

Bill Marriott

Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit... Is it possible to specify a different location
for the Volume Shadow Copies? I would like to locate them on a different
physical drive for space, performance, and safety reasons.
No, it isn't that simple...

The result of

vssadmin resize shadowstorage /on=F: /for=C: /maxsize=150GB


Error: The specified volume shadow copy storage association was not found.

Apparently this utility can only resize an existing shadow storage
association, not change the location of it...

Any other ideas?
Well, perhaps not "belongs" in the sense of being necessary or appropriate.
Server editions of Windows have the ability to relocate shadow copies. And
the vssadmin utility itself seems to have some vestige of handling shadow
copies on a different volume (it at least accounts for the the idea of "on"
and "for" as being separate volumes). I guess they have been
neutered/dumbed-down for Windows 7.