Mark, I am going to haunt this forum until you Microsoft techies finally
Please note that neither Mark, I, nor any other Microsoft MVP is a
"Microsoft Techie." This is a peer support newsgroup. We are all just
Windows XP users here, helping each other if and when we can. We are
not Microsoft employees (not even those of us with "Microsoft MVP"
behind our names; that's an honorary title for having provided
consistently helpful advice) except for an occasional employee who
posts here unofficially on his own time.
that SP3 needs to create an update that gives us back the sound we had
when we were at SP2. My issues have been with getting Creative Labs and
Realtek to work in any way shape or form on one computer with a clean install
of XP Pro, updated to SP3. There's nothing wrong with any of the hardware or
drivers. Windows simply grays out the audio panels in control panel although
it shows as operating fine in device manager. I keep reading your, well, no
problem, just do this simple thing, solutions and I find it frustrating.
I don't want to speak for Mark, and all I can do is tell you of my own
experience. I've installed XP SP3 on several computers, and I have no
problems with sound, or anything else.
I can understand your frustration, but please understand that many
thousands, if not millions, of people have installed SP3 without
having the problems you have. I know that doesn't solve your problem
(and I'm sorry that I don't know the answer), but it's clearly not as
simple as just blaming it on a defect in SP3.