Volume Mixer looks messed up


Synapse Syndrome

This has been annoying me every since I started using Vista, but I have
never mentioned it, as I thought that somebody else would. As I have seen
no mention of it, I just thought it was just happening to me, even though I
am on my third installation (same hardware).

Does anybody else get crazy corruption on the Volume Mixer, nearly all the
time? I think it might be due to my graphics card drivers, unless this is
common with other people.

On a side note, I like the new Vista sound control, but I find that I always
have the whole Volume Mixer open on my second monitor. I hope somebody can
come up with a replacement, which is smaller, and can auto-hide or


Richard Urban

I wish I had even a rudimentary mixer in Vista Ultimate RTM.



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


Its always the drivers problem huh? havnt it occured to you that vista might
be too touchy with what display drivers you install? I mean the sound mixer
thingy in XP
never got messed up whatever driver you had..

so may it be bad design that vista is so sensitive and gets messed up
I would call a rock solid OS, one that can work even if the drivers are not
But in vista.. you throw in a bad driver and suddenly firefox shivers, the
start menu gets corrupted, or the mixer is messed up....


Same problem. Improved since RC1, but still I end up with black boxes and
other strange anamolies.

Chad Harris


Are you getting the regular volume mixer when you right click the volume
icon if you elect to show it in the notification area?


Synapse Syndrome

Chad Harris said:

Are you getting the regular volume mixer when you right click the volume
icon if you elect to show it in the notification area?

Yes, this is what I am referring to, if you mean the new vista style one to
be the regular one. It appears corrupted just about all the time, and it
seems that I am not the only one that has this problem.


Synapse Syndrome

James said:
Same problem. Improved since RC1, but still I end up with black boxes and
other strange anamolies.

What graphics card do you have? I have an ATi FireGL V5200.



nVidia GeForce 6800. It's the only visual element that consistently bugs
out on me. Not nearly as bad as it was in RC1...but it still happens.

Chad Harris

Try running sfc.


Synapse Syndrome said:
Yes, this is what I am referring to, if you mean the new vista style one
to be the regular one. It appears corrupted just about all the time, and
it seems that I am not the only one that has this problem.



I have the same issues with my vista ultimate edition as well.
When I had installed vista for the first time, the volume mixer was fine,
but after I install drivers and softwares, at least one of the volume mixer
bars is corrupted.

This is annoying because the corruption also displays the slide at 100
position, when it's not set to 100.

Synapse Syndrome

Tristan Y. said:
I have the same issues with my vista ultimate edition as well.
When I had installed vista for the first time, the volume mixer was fine,
but after I install drivers and softwares, at least one of the volume
bars is corrupted.

This is annoying because the corruption also displays the slide at 100
position, when it's not set to 100.

I have Volume Mixer graphics corruption all the time when I use it. It
still works okay, but it is difficult to see what is going on until I move a
slider. Hopefully there will be a Windows Update to fix this soon.


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