Earl said:
I spoke a bit too soon. Getting a couple blue screens...
Driver IRQL not less or equal
Kmode Excpetion not handled.
Might need a little steering here on the MB. The Belarc report, under Main
Circuit Board indicates BIOS American Megatrends. I believe the MB to be
a K7-810XLM.
How can I determine the exact MB model. I assume with that model number
I can then find the proper drivers.
The best way to determine the exact MB model (and more importantly, the
individual chips) is by cracking open the case and taking a look. While
you are there, identify the model number of any chip for which you need
a driver. The ethernet chip, for example.
Searching for K7-810XLM, you'll find that it also maps to M817LMR, model
codes from Amptron. <
http://www.amptron.com/html/biosCode.html> Amptron
however does not manufacture these boards. At various times, they've
rebranded boards from PCChips, Asrock and ECS among others.
If you search for ("K7-817XLM"|M817LMR) filetype
df, you'll get a few
hits on the manual for your momboard, I got it from
Cross-referencing your visual inspection and the manual, you'll see your
momboard uses the Ali1647 northbridge, AMI BIOS and realtek chips for
NIC (u21) & sound (ALC100 Chipset for the ac'97 codec). The specs,
components and layout are identical to the ECS K7AMA v1.5.
ECS K7AMA drivers are located here:
If you prefer to download the drivers for the individual chips, go
directly to the OEM (realtek):