volume control

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Everything was working properly and suddenly something happened. I can still
play dvds or cd's and hear the sound but nothing when i am using the internet
ie radio station live stream or e-cards. when i load up the laptop i get a
pop-up window that says "unable to conect to the volume control" i have gone
through all of the troubleshooting menus and can't solve the problem. Please
Thank you
Hi jj,

See if this applies.

Volume Icon Is Not Displayed in the Notification Area, and You Receive an
Error Message When You Try to Add It:


Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
Windows® XP Troubleshooting http://www.winhelponline.com

Everything was working properly and suddenly something happened. I can
play dvds or cd's and hear the sound but nothing when i am using the
ie radio station live stream or e-cards. when i load up the laptop i get a
pop-up window that says "unable to conect to the volume control" i have gone
through all of the troubleshooting menus and can't solve the problem.
Thank you
when i follow those instructions after the final cmd "expand sndvol32 etc..."
it tells me "no destination specified for sndvol32.exe" what should i do
thank you

jj said:
When I follow those instructions after the final cmd "expand sndvol32 etc..."
it tells me "no destination specified for sndvol32.exe" What should I do

The etc. above is the path to your System32 folder. They gave an
example, but you have to type in the path where it's actually located on
your system. One point of confusion might be the fact that there's a
space after:

expand sndvol32.ex_

Then, there's the vague folder name.


It's most likely:


.. on your system.

Hi jj,

See if this applies.

Volume Icon Is Not Displayed in the Notification Area, and You Receivean
Error Message When You Try to Add It:


Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
Windows® XP Troubleshooting http://www.winhelponline.com

Everything was working properly and suddenly something happened. I can
play dvds or cd's and hear the sound but nothing when i am using the
ie radio station live stream or e-cards. when i load up the laptop iget a
pop-up window that says "unable to conect to the volume control" i have gone
through all of the troubleshooting menus and can't solve the problem.
Thank you

Your missing this part D:\I386\

expand D:\I386\sndvol32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe

Change D to = your CD drive letter if it is different than D:

This command should also work...

expand D:\I386\sndvol32.ex_ %windir%\system32\sndvol32.exe

The Expand command has to know where to expand sndvol32.ex_ FROM and TO. It
needs a Source and a Destination.

Type expand /? in a command prompt for help.

Also for expand help...
Paste the following line into Start | Run and click OK...

hh ntcmds.chm::/expand.htm

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

jj said:
ok i was missing the space. now when i type in the proper " expand
sndvol32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe" the responce I get is "
cannot open input file sndvol32.ex what dose this mean? and what should
i do next?

Elmo said:
jj said:
When I follow those instructions after the final cmd "expand sndvol32
etc..." it tells me "no destination specified for sndvol32.exe" What
should I do next?

The etc. above is the path to your System32 folder. They gave an
example, but you have to type in the path where it's actually located on
your system. One point of confusion might be the fact that there's a
space after:

expand sndvol32.ex_

Then, there's the vague folder name.


It's most likely:


.. on your system.

Hi jj,

See if this applies.

Volume Icon Is Not Displayed in the Notification Area, and You Receive
an Error Message When You Try to Add It:


Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
Windows® XP Troubleshooting http://www.winhelponline.com

Everything was working properly and suddenly something happened. I can
play dvds or cd's and hear the sound but nothing when i am using the
ie radio station live stream or e-cards. when i load up the laptop i
get a pop-up window that says "unable to conect to the volume control"
i have gone through all of the troubleshooting menus and can't solve
the problem. Please
Thank you

sorry to be such a bother. i looked up the expand/? like you said and i get
the part about telling it what to expand FROM and TO but i don't understand
what it is telling me. when i type in d:\i386\sndvol32.ex_
C:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe I still get "can not open input file
I am sorry, thank you for helping

Wesley Vogel said:
Your missing this part D:\I386\

expand D:\I386\sndvol32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe

Change D to = your CD drive letter if it is different than D:

This command should also work...

expand D:\I386\sndvol32.ex_ %windir%\system32\sndvol32.exe

The Expand command has to know where to expand sndvol32.ex_ FROM and TO. It
needs a Source and a Destination.

Type expand /? in a command prompt for help.

Also for expand help...
Paste the following line into Start | Run and click OK...

hh ntcmds.chm::/expand.htm

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

jj said:
ok i was missing the space. now when i type in the proper " expand
sndvol32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe" the responce I get is "
cannot open input file sndvol32.ex what dose this mean? and what should
i do next?

Elmo said:
jj wrote:
When I follow those instructions after the final cmd "expand sndvol32
etc..." it tells me "no destination specified for sndvol32.exe" What
should I do next?

The etc. above is the path to your System32 folder. They gave an
example, but you have to type in the path where it's actually located on
your system. One point of confusion might be the fact that there's a
space after:

expand sndvol32.ex_

Then, there's the vague folder name.


It's most likely:


.. on your system.


Hi jj,

See if this applies.

Volume Icon Is Not Displayed in the Notification Area, and You Receive
an Error Message When You Try to Add It:


Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
Windows® XP Troubleshooting http://www.winhelponline.com

Everything was working properly and suddenly something happened. I can
play dvds or cd's and hear the sound but nothing when i am using the
ie radio station live stream or e-cards. when i load up the laptop i
get a pop-up window that says "unable to conect to the volume control"
i have gone through all of the troubleshooting menus and can't solve
the problem. Please
Thank you

No bother, jj.

We will keep doing this 'til one of us gets it right. ;-)

Is your XP CD in your D: drive?

I just did the command with no CD of any kind in either of my drives.

This is the exact error that I got...

Can't open input file: d:\i386\sndvol32.ex_.

expand can't open the file because there is no CD that contains the file in
either of the drives.

Is D: the drive letter of the CD drive that your XP CD is in?

If it is in a different drive, like E:, change the drive letter in the

By the way, it makes no difference if the letters are UPPERCASE, lowercase
or MiXeDcASe.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

jj said:
sorry to be such a bother. i looked up the expand/? like you said and i
get the part about telling it what to expand FROM and TO but i don't
understand what it is telling me. when i type in d:\i386\sndvol32.ex_
C:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe I still get "can not open input file
I am sorry, thank you for helping

Wesley Vogel said:
Your missing this part D:\I386\

expand D:\I386\sndvol32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe

Change D to = your CD drive letter if it is different than D:

This command should also work...

expand D:\I386\sndvol32.ex_ %windir%\system32\sndvol32.exe

The Expand command has to know where to expand sndvol32.ex_ FROM and TO.
It needs a Source and a Destination.

Type expand /? in a command prompt for help.

Also for expand help...
Paste the following line into Start | Run and click OK...

hh ntcmds.chm::/expand.htm

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

jj said:
ok i was missing the space. now when i type in the proper " expand
sndvol32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe" the responce I get is "
cannot open input file sndvol32.ex what dose this mean? and what should
i do next?


jj wrote:
When I follow those instructions after the final cmd "expand sndvol32
etc..." it tells me "no destination specified for sndvol32.exe" What
should I do next?

The etc. above is the path to your System32 folder. They gave an
example, but you have to type in the path where it's actually located
on your system. One point of confusion might be the fact that there's
a space after:

expand sndvol32.ex_

Then, there's the vague folder name.


It's most likely:


.. on your system.


Hi jj,

See if this applies.

Volume Icon Is Not Displayed in the Notification Area, and You
Receive an Error Message When You Try to Add It:


Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
Windows® XP Troubleshooting http://www.winhelponline.com

Everything was working properly and suddenly something happened. I
can still
play dvds or cd's and hear the sound but nothing when i am using the
ie radio station live stream or e-cards. when i load up the laptop
i get a pop-up window that says "unable to conect to the volume
control" i have gone through all of the troubleshooting menus and
can't solve the problem. Please
Thank you

yes i put the cd in the drive and used d: because that is my cd drive, and
that is the error that i got. but the cd that i have is y toshiba recovery
cd, it is not a xp cd. my laptop came preloaded, are these cd's diferent?
thank you for being so patient.

Wesley Vogel said:
No bother, jj.

We will keep doing this 'til one of us gets it right. ;-)

Is your XP CD in your D: drive?

I just did the command with no CD of any kind in either of my drives.

This is the exact error that I got...

Can't open input file: d:\i386\sndvol32.ex_.

expand can't open the file because there is no CD that contains the file in
either of the drives.

Is D: the drive letter of the CD drive that your XP CD is in?

If it is in a different drive, like E:, change the drive letter in the

By the way, it makes no difference if the letters are UPPERCASE, lowercase
or MiXeDcASe.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

jj said:
sorry to be such a bother. i looked up the expand/? like you said and i
get the part about telling it what to expand FROM and TO but i don't
understand what it is telling me. when i type in d:\i386\sndvol32.ex_
C:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe I still get "can not open input file
I am sorry, thank you for helping

Wesley Vogel said:
Your missing this part D:\I386\

expand D:\I386\sndvol32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe

Change D to = your CD drive letter if it is different than D:

This command should also work...

expand D:\I386\sndvol32.ex_ %windir%\system32\sndvol32.exe

The Expand command has to know where to expand sndvol32.ex_ FROM and TO.
It needs a Source and a Destination.

Type expand /? in a command prompt for help.

Also for expand help...
Paste the following line into Start | Run and click OK...

hh ntcmds.chm::/expand.htm

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

In jj <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
ok i was missing the space. now when i type in the proper " expand
sndvol32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe" the responce I get is "
cannot open input file sndvol32.ex what dose this mean? and what should
i do next?


jj wrote:
When I follow those instructions after the final cmd "expand sndvol32
etc..." it tells me "no destination specified for sndvol32.exe" What
should I do next?

The etc. above is the path to your System32 folder. They gave an
example, but you have to type in the path where it's actually located
on your system. One point of confusion might be the fact that there's
a space after:

expand sndvol32.ex_

Then, there's the vague folder name.


It's most likely:


.. on your system.


Hi jj,

See if this applies.

Volume Icon Is Not Displayed in the Notification Area, and You
Receive an Error Message When You Try to Add It:


Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
Windows® XP Troubleshooting http://www.winhelponline.com

Everything was working properly and suddenly something happened. I
can still
play dvds or cd's and hear the sound but nothing when i am using the
ie radio station live stream or e-cards. when i load up the laptop
i get a pop-up window that says "unable to conect to the volume
control" i have gone through all of the troubleshooting menus and
can't solve the problem. Please
Thank you

OK, jj.

I am not familiar with recovery CDs, but I do not think that they have an
i386 folder. That is probably why you got the error message. I admit that
I hadn't even thought of that.

There are some other things that we can try. ;-)

You could do a Search on the recovery CD for the sndvol32.ex_ file and we
could try modifying the expand command.

Let's try this. Instead of trying to expand sndvol32.ex_, let's find out if
you have two sndvol32.exe files on your hard drive. Since Toshiba loaded XP
on your machine I do not know if we can find two or not.

The sndvol32.exe that is normally used exists in C:\WINDOWS\system32 or
%windir%\system32. But there should be another copy in either
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache or C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles. You should
have one folder or the other.

First, try this.

Start | Run | Type: system32 | Click OK |

Size the window so you can also see your Desktop.
Scroll down to sndvol32.exe.
Left click and drag sndvol32.exe to your Desktop.
Wait just a minute.
Now scroll down clear to the bottom of system32.
Is there a new sndvol32.exe there?

If there is a new sndvol32.exe delete the one on your Desktop.
Close system32. You can delete the sndvol32.exe from your Desktop.

That means that the bad sndvol32.exe file was replaced by a hopefully good
copy from another folder. Hopefully the volume control now works.

If there is NOT a new sndvol32.exe drag the one on your Desktop back into
system32. Do NOT delete it.
Close system32.

That means that there wasn't another copy of sndvol32.exe to replace the bad

If there was no sndvol32.exe in the system32 folder that you could drag to
the desktop in the first place, then we have to see if there is another copy
of sndvol32.ex_ on your hard drive somewhere that we can expand.

Search for sndvol32.ex_ using this as guidance...
HOW TO: Search For Hidden Or System Files In Windows XP

If none of this works, remove the 123 from (e-mail address removed) and
E-mail me and I will E-mail you back with a copy of sndvol32.exe.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

jj said:
yes i put the cd in the drive and used d: because that is my cd drive, and
that is the error that i got. but the cd that i have is y toshiba
recovery cd, it is not a xp cd. my laptop came preloaded, are these cd's
diferent? thank you for being so patient.

Wesley Vogel said:
No bother, jj.

We will keep doing this 'til one of us gets it right. ;-)

Is your XP CD in your D: drive?

I just did the command with no CD of any kind in either of my drives.

This is the exact error that I got...

Can't open input file: d:\i386\sndvol32.ex_.

expand can't open the file because there is no CD that contains the file
in either of the drives.

Is D: the drive letter of the CD drive that your XP CD is in?

If it is in a different drive, like E:, change the drive letter in the

By the way, it makes no difference if the letters are UPPERCASE,
lowercase or MiXeDcASe.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

jj said:
sorry to be such a bother. i looked up the expand/? like you said and i
get the part about telling it what to expand FROM and TO but i don't
understand what it is telling me. when i type in d:\i386\sndvol32.ex_
C:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe I still get "can not open input file
I am sorry, thank you for helping


Your missing this part D:\I386\

expand D:\I386\sndvol32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe

Change D to = your CD drive letter if it is different than D:

This command should also work...

expand D:\I386\sndvol32.ex_ %windir%\system32\sndvol32.exe

The Expand command has to know where to expand sndvol32.ex_ FROM and
TO. It needs a Source and a Destination.

Type expand /? in a command prompt for help.

Also for expand help...
Paste the following line into Start | Run and click OK...

hh ntcmds.chm::/expand.htm

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

In jj <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
ok i was missing the space. now when i type in the proper " expand
sndvol32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe" the responce I get is "
cannot open input file sndvol32.ex what dose this mean? and what
should i do next?


jj wrote:
When I follow those instructions after the final cmd "expand
sndvol32 etc..." it tells me "no destination specified for
sndvol32.exe" What should I do next?

The etc. above is the path to your System32 folder. They gave an
example, but you have to type in the path where it's actually located
on your system. One point of confusion might be the fact that
there's a space after:

expand sndvol32.ex_

Then, there's the vague folder name.


It's most likely:


.. on your system.


Hi jj,

See if this applies.

Volume Icon Is Not Displayed in the Notification Area, and You
Receive an Error Message When You Try to Add It:


Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
Windows® XP Troubleshooting http://www.winhelponline.com

Everything was working properly and suddenly something happened. I
can still
play dvds or cd's and hear the sound but nothing when i am using
the internet
ie radio station live stream or e-cards. when i load up the
laptop i get a pop-up window that says "unable to conect to the
volume control" i have gone through all of the troubleshooting
menus and can't solve the problem. Please
Thank you

Thank you very much for all the sugestions, i tried going to the system32
folder and dragging sndvol32 to the desktop. a new sndvol32 file appeared in
the system32 folder so i deleted the one on the desk top however i still got
the same message. I also tried taking my laptop to the store that i bought
it from and used their xp home cd to expand the sndvol32 file as per the
original instructions. it told me it had expanded the file but i still had
the same problem. the tech support guy at the store downloaded the drivers
and hot key utilities from tosiba again and i no longer get the error message
but i still can't get sound from live feed or e-cards. Keep in mind that
dvds,cds and other audio as in tutorials on the net do still play. the tech
support guy at the store said i would have to backup my files and do a system
restore. I am really hoping you have seen this before (becasue i did mnage
to expand the sndvol32 file from the xp cd) and know a better solution.

Thank you very very much for the help and suggestions you have allready
given me,


Wesley Vogel said:
OK, jj.

I am not familiar with recovery CDs, but I do not think that they have an
i386 folder. That is probably why you got the error message. I admit that
I hadn't even thought of that.

There are some other things that we can try. ;-)

You could do a Search on the recovery CD for the sndvol32.ex_ file and we
could try modifying the expand command.

Let's try this. Instead of trying to expand sndvol32.ex_, let's find out if
you have two sndvol32.exe files on your hard drive. Since Toshiba loaded XP
on your machine I do not know if we can find two or not.

The sndvol32.exe that is normally used exists in C:\WINDOWS\system32 or
%windir%\system32. But there should be another copy in either
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache or C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles. You should
have one folder or the other.

First, try this.

Start | Run | Type: system32 | Click OK |

Size the window so you can also see your Desktop.
Scroll down to sndvol32.exe.
Left click and drag sndvol32.exe to your Desktop.
Wait just a minute.
Now scroll down clear to the bottom of system32.
Is there a new sndvol32.exe there?

If there is a new sndvol32.exe delete the one on your Desktop.
Close system32. You can delete the sndvol32.exe from your Desktop.

That means that the bad sndvol32.exe file was replaced by a hopefully good
copy from another folder. Hopefully the volume control now works.

If there is NOT a new sndvol32.exe drag the one on your Desktop back into
system32. Do NOT delete it.
Close system32.

That means that there wasn't another copy of sndvol32.exe to replace the bad

If there was no sndvol32.exe in the system32 folder that you could drag to
the desktop in the first place, then we have to see if there is another copy
of sndvol32.ex_ on your hard drive somewhere that we can expand.

Search for sndvol32.ex_ using this as guidance...
HOW TO: Search For Hidden Or System Files In Windows XP

If none of this works, remove the 123 from (e-mail address removed) and
E-mail me and I will E-mail you back with a copy of sndvol32.exe.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

jj said:
yes i put the cd in the drive and used d: because that is my cd drive, and
that is the error that i got. but the cd that i have is y toshiba
recovery cd, it is not a xp cd. my laptop came preloaded, are these cd's
diferent? thank you for being so patient.

Wesley Vogel said:
No bother, jj.

We will keep doing this 'til one of us gets it right. ;-)

Is your XP CD in your D: drive?

I just did the command with no CD of any kind in either of my drives.

This is the exact error that I got...

Can't open input file: d:\i386\sndvol32.ex_.

expand can't open the file because there is no CD that contains the file
in either of the drives.

Is D: the drive letter of the CD drive that your XP CD is in?

If it is in a different drive, like E:, change the drive letter in the

By the way, it makes no difference if the letters are UPPERCASE,
lowercase or MiXeDcASe.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

In jj <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
sorry to be such a bother. i looked up the expand/? like you said and i
get the part about telling it what to expand FROM and TO but i don't
understand what it is telling me. when i type in d:\i386\sndvol32.ex_
C:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe I still get "can not open input file
I am sorry, thank you for helping


Your missing this part D:\I386\

expand D:\I386\sndvol32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe

Change D to = your CD drive letter if it is different than D:

This command should also work...

expand D:\I386\sndvol32.ex_ %windir%\system32\sndvol32.exe

The Expand command has to know where to expand sndvol32.ex_ FROM and
TO. It needs a Source and a Destination.

Type expand /? in a command prompt for help.

Also for expand help...
Paste the following line into Start | Run and click OK...

hh ntcmds.chm::/expand.htm

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

In jj <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
ok i was missing the space. now when i type in the proper " expand
sndvol32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe" the responce I get is "
cannot open input file sndvol32.ex what dose this mean? and what
should i do next?


jj wrote:
When I follow those instructions after the final cmd "expand
sndvol32 etc..." it tells me "no destination specified for
sndvol32.exe" What should I do next?

The etc. above is the path to your System32 folder. They gave an
example, but you have to type in the path where it's actually located
on your system. One point of confusion might be the fact that
there's a space after:

expand sndvol32.ex_

Then, there's the vague folder name.


It's most likely:


.. on your system.


Hi jj,

See if this applies.

Volume Icon Is Not Displayed in the Notification Area, and You
Receive an Error Message When You Try to Add It:


Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
Windows® XP Troubleshooting http://www.winhelponline.com

Everything was working properly and suddenly something happened. I
can still
play dvds or cd's and hear the sound but nothing when i am using
the internet
ie radio station live stream or e-cards. when i load up the
laptop i get a pop-up window that says "unable to conect to the
volume control" i have gone through all of the troubleshooting
menus and can't solve the problem. Please
Thank you

Okie dokie, JJ, here's a list of things to try that I got from Kelly's

The volume icon does not appear in the notification area (system tray)

Open Sound and Audio Devices Properties...
Click Start | Click Run | Type or paste: mmsys.cpl | Click OK |
On the Volume Tab under Device Volume, put a check in the box that reads:
Place volume icon in the taskbar.

Click Start | Click Run | Type or paste: regsvr32 stobject.dll | Click
OK | A message should popup saying that stobject.dll registered OK.

Go here...

Scroll down to...
320. Restore Volume/Net Icon to Notification Area
Right click on: Restore Volume/Net Icon to Notification Area and click Save
Target As.
The Save As dialog should open.
Click on the Desktop icon on the left to save netvol.reg to your Desktop.
Click on the Save button.
Locate netvol.reg on your Desktop, double click netvol.reg and click Yes to
the import prompt.
netvol.reg can be deleted after everything is fixed.

Make sure Always show is enabled for Volume in Taskbar Properties.
Right click the Taskbar | Properties | Taskbar tab | Customize button |
Click on Volume | Click the V to display the choices | Click on Always show
| Click OK | Click Apply | Click OK

In Sound and Audio Devices Properties, make sure "Place volume icon in the
taskbar" is checked. If it still doesn't work, here are two workarounds:

Go to Start | Log off (log off then log back on).

Kill explorer and restart it.

Open the Task Manager...
Ctrl + Shift + Escape | Click on the Processes tab | Locate and highlight
explorer.exe | Right click explorer.exe | Click End Process | Click
Yes to the Task Manager Warning that pops up | Click File on the Toolbar |
Click New Task (Run...) | Type in: explorer | Click OK

End Process on explorer.exe will make your Desktop, Taskbar and all programs
disappear. This can be startling. Restarting explorer will bring
everything back.

This can fix/restore/reinitialize/refresh a lot of things.

Good luck!

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

jj said:
Thank you very much for all the sugestions, i tried going to the system32
folder and dragging sndvol32 to the desktop. a new sndvol32 file
appeared in the system32 folder so i deleted the one on the desk top
however i still got the same message. I also tried taking my laptop to
the store that i bought it from and used their xp home cd to expand the
sndvol32 file as per the original instructions. it told me it had
expanded the file but i still had the same problem. the tech support guy
at the store downloaded the drivers and hot key utilities from tosiba
again and i no longer get the error message but i still can't get sound
from live feed or e-cards. Keep in mind that dvds,cds and other audio as
in tutorials on the net do still play. the tech support guy at the store
said i would have to backup my files and do a system restore. I am
really hoping you have seen this before (becasue i did mnage to expand
the sndvol32 file from the xp cd) and know a better solution.

Thank you very very much for the help and suggestions you have allready
given me,


Wesley Vogel said:
OK, jj.

I am not familiar with recovery CDs, but I do not think that they have an
i386 folder. That is probably why you got the error message. I admit
that I hadn't even thought of that.

There are some other things that we can try. ;-)

You could do a Search on the recovery CD for the sndvol32.ex_ file and we
could try modifying the expand command.

Let's try this. Instead of trying to expand sndvol32.ex_, let's find
out if you have two sndvol32.exe files on your hard drive. Since
Toshiba loaded XP on your machine I do not know if we can find two or

The sndvol32.exe that is normally used exists in C:\WINDOWS\system32 or
%windir%\system32. But there should be another copy in either
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache or C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles. You should
have one folder or the other.

First, try this.

Start | Run | Type: system32 | Click OK |

Size the window so you can also see your Desktop.
Scroll down to sndvol32.exe.
Left click and drag sndvol32.exe to your Desktop.
Wait just a minute.
Now scroll down clear to the bottom of system32.
Is there a new sndvol32.exe there?

If there is a new sndvol32.exe delete the one on your Desktop.
Close system32. You can delete the sndvol32.exe from your Desktop.

That means that the bad sndvol32.exe file was replaced by a hopefully
good copy from another folder. Hopefully the volume control now works.

If there is NOT a new sndvol32.exe drag the one on your Desktop back into
system32. Do NOT delete it.
Close system32.

That means that there wasn't another copy of sndvol32.exe to replace the
bad copy.

If there was no sndvol32.exe in the system32 folder that you could drag
to the desktop in the first place, then we have to see if there is
another copy of sndvol32.ex_ on your hard drive somewhere that we can

Search for sndvol32.ex_ using this as guidance...
HOW TO: Search For Hidden Or System Files In Windows XP

If none of this works, remove the 123 from (e-mail address removed) and
E-mail me and I will E-mail you back with a copy of sndvol32.exe.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

jj said:
yes i put the cd in the drive and used d: because that is my cd drive,
and that is the error that i got. but the cd that i have is y toshiba
recovery cd, it is not a xp cd. my laptop came preloaded, are these
cd's diferent? thank you for being so patient.


No bother, jj.

We will keep doing this 'til one of us gets it right. ;-)

Is your XP CD in your D: drive?

I just did the command with no CD of any kind in either of my drives.

This is the exact error that I got...

Can't open input file: d:\i386\sndvol32.ex_.

expand can't open the file because there is no CD that contains the
file in either of the drives.

Is D: the drive letter of the CD drive that your XP CD is in?

If it is in a different drive, like E:, change the drive letter in the

By the way, it makes no difference if the letters are UPPERCASE,
lowercase or MiXeDcASe.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

In jj <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
sorry to be such a bother. i looked up the expand/? like you said
and i get the part about telling it what to expand FROM and TO but i
don't understand what it is telling me. when i type in
d:\i386\sndvol32.ex_ C:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe I still get
"can not open input file D:\i386\sndvol32/ex"
I am sorry, thank you for helping


Your missing this part D:\I386\

expand D:\I386\sndvol32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe

Change D to = your CD drive letter if it is different than D:

This command should also work...

expand D:\I386\sndvol32.ex_ %windir%\system32\sndvol32.exe

The Expand command has to know where to expand sndvol32.ex_ FROM and
TO. It needs a Source and a Destination.

Type expand /? in a command prompt for help.

Also for expand help...
Paste the following line into Start | Run and click OK...

hh ntcmds.chm::/expand.htm

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

In jj <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
ok i was missing the space. now when i type in the proper " expand
sndvol32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe" the responce I get
is " cannot open input file sndvol32.ex what dose this mean? and
what should i do next?


jj wrote:
When I follow those instructions after the final cmd "expand
sndvol32 etc..." it tells me "no destination specified for
sndvol32.exe" What should I do next?

The etc. above is the path to your System32 folder. They gave an
example, but you have to type in the path where it's actually
located on your system. One point of confusion might be the fact
that there's a space after:

expand sndvol32.ex_

Then, there's the vague folder name.


It's most likely:


.. on your system.


Hi jj,

See if this applies.

Volume Icon Is Not Displayed in the Notification Area, and You
Receive an Error Message When You Try to Add It:


Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
Windows® XP Troubleshooting

Everything was working properly and suddenly something happened.
can still
play dvds or cd's and hear the sound but nothing when i am using
the internet
ie radio station live stream or e-cards. when i load up the
laptop i get a pop-up window that says "unable to conect to the
volume control" i have gone through all of the troubleshooting
menus and can't solve the problem. Please
Thank you

JJ, I am so happy to hear that you got it fixed!!!

Keep having fun! :-)

By the way, Mr. Vogel is my Dad.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

jj said:
Mr Vogel,
You are sooo very awsome!! thank you so much!! i got down past the
kellys corner stuff with net vol and now it works! thank you soo much i
don't have to do a system restore. I also didn't have to kill explorer.
your fantastic thank you for having so much patience.

Wesley Vogel said:
Okie dokie, JJ, here's a list of things to try that I got from Kelly's

The volume icon does not appear in the notification area (system tray)

Open Sound and Audio Devices Properties...
Click Start | Click Run | Type or paste: mmsys.cpl | Click OK |
On the Volume Tab under Device Volume, put a check in the box that reads:
Place volume icon in the taskbar.

Click Start | Click Run | Type or paste: regsvr32 stobject.dll |
Click OK | A message should popup saying that stobject.dll registered OK.

Go here...

Scroll down to...
320. Restore Volume/Net Icon to Notification Area
Right click on: Restore Volume/Net Icon to Notification Area and click
Save Target As.
The Save As dialog should open.
Click on the Desktop icon on the left to save netvol.reg to your Desktop.
Click on the Save button.
Locate netvol.reg on your Desktop, double click netvol.reg and click Yes
to the import prompt.
netvol.reg can be deleted after everything is fixed.

Make sure Always show is enabled for Volume in Taskbar Properties.
Right click the Taskbar | Properties | Taskbar tab | Customize button |
Click on Volume | Click the V to display the choices | Click on Always
show | Click OK | Click Apply | Click OK

In Sound and Audio Devices Properties, make sure "Place volume icon in
the taskbar" is checked. If it still doesn't work, here are two

Go to Start | Log off (log off then log back on).

Kill explorer and restart it.

Open the Task Manager...
Ctrl + Shift + Escape | Click on the Processes tab | Locate and highlight
explorer.exe | Right click explorer.exe | Click End Process | Click
Yes to the Task Manager Warning that pops up | Click File on the Toolbar
| Click New Task (Run...) | Type in: explorer | Click OK

End Process on explorer.exe will make your Desktop, Taskbar and all
programs disappear. This can be startling. Restarting explorer will
bring everything back.

This can fix/restore/reinitialize/refresh a lot of things.

Good luck!

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

jj said:
Thank you very much for all the sugestions, i tried going to the
system32 folder and dragging sndvol32 to the desktop. a new sndvol32
file appeared in the system32 folder so i deleted the one on the desk
top however i still got the same message. I also tried taking my
laptop to the store that i bought it from and used their xp home cd to
expand the sndvol32 file as per the original instructions. it told me
it had expanded the file but i still had the same problem. the tech
support guy at the store downloaded the drivers and hot key utilities
from tosiba again and i no longer get the error message but i still
can't get sound from live feed or e-cards. Keep in mind that dvds,cds
and other audio as in tutorials on the net do still play. the tech
support guy at the store said i would have to backup my files and do a
system restore. I am really hoping you have seen this before (becasue
i did mnage to expand the sndvol32 file from the xp cd) and know a
better solution.

Thank you very very much for the help and suggestions you have allready
given me,



OK, jj.

I am not familiar with recovery CDs, but I do not think that they have
an i386 folder. That is probably why you got the error message. I
admit that I hadn't even thought of that.

There are some other things that we can try. ;-)

You could do a Search on the recovery CD for the sndvol32.ex_ file and
we could try modifying the expand command.

Let's try this. Instead of trying to expand sndvol32.ex_, let's find
out if you have two sndvol32.exe files on your hard drive. Since
Toshiba loaded XP on your machine I do not know if we can find two or

The sndvol32.exe that is normally used exists in C:\WINDOWS\system32 or
%windir%\system32. But there should be another copy in either
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache or C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles. You
should have one folder or the other.

First, try this.

Start | Run | Type: system32 | Click OK |

Size the window so you can also see your Desktop.
Scroll down to sndvol32.exe.
Left click and drag sndvol32.exe to your Desktop.
Wait just a minute.
Now scroll down clear to the bottom of system32.
Is there a new sndvol32.exe there?

If there is a new sndvol32.exe delete the one on your Desktop.
Close system32. You can delete the sndvol32.exe from your Desktop.

That means that the bad sndvol32.exe file was replaced by a hopefully
good copy from another folder. Hopefully the volume control now works.

If there is NOT a new sndvol32.exe drag the one on your Desktop back
into system32. Do NOT delete it.
Close system32.

That means that there wasn't another copy of sndvol32.exe to replace
the bad copy.

If there was no sndvol32.exe in the system32 folder that you could drag
to the desktop in the first place, then we have to see if there is
another copy of sndvol32.ex_ on your hard drive somewhere that we can

Search for sndvol32.ex_ using this as guidance...
HOW TO: Search For Hidden Or System Files In Windows XP

If none of this works, remove the 123 from (e-mail address removed)
and E-mail me and I will E-mail you back with a copy of sndvol32.exe.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

In jj <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
yes i put the cd in the drive and used d: because that is my cd drive,
and that is the error that i got. but the cd that i have is y toshiba
recovery cd, it is not a xp cd. my laptop came preloaded, are these
cd's diferent? thank you for being so patient.


No bother, jj.

We will keep doing this 'til one of us gets it right. ;-)

Is your XP CD in your D: drive?

I just did the command with no CD of any kind in either of my drives.

This is the exact error that I got...

Can't open input file: d:\i386\sndvol32.ex_.

expand can't open the file because there is no CD that contains the
file in either of the drives.

Is D: the drive letter of the CD drive that your XP CD is in?

If it is in a different drive, like E:, change the drive letter in
the command.

By the way, it makes no difference if the letters are UPPERCASE,
lowercase or MiXeDcASe.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

In jj <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
sorry to be such a bother. i looked up the expand/? like you said
and i get the part about telling it what to expand FROM and TO but i
don't understand what it is telling me. when i type in
d:\i386\sndvol32.ex_ C:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe I still get
"can not open input file D:\i386\sndvol32/ex"
I am sorry, thank you for helping


Your missing this part D:\I386\

expand D:\I386\sndvol32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe

Change D to = your CD drive letter if it is different than D:

This command should also work...

expand D:\I386\sndvol32.ex_ %windir%\system32\sndvol32.exe

The Expand command has to know where to expand sndvol32.ex_ FROM
and TO. It needs a Source and a Destination.

Type expand /? in a command prompt for help.

Also for expand help...
Paste the following line into Start | Run and click OK...

hh ntcmds.chm::/expand.htm

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

In jj <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
ok i was missing the space. now when i type in the proper "
expand sndvol32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe" the
responce I get is " cannot open input file sndvol32.ex what dose
this mean? and what should i do next?


jj wrote:
When I follow those instructions after the final cmd "expand
sndvol32 etc..." it tells me "no destination specified for
sndvol32.exe" What should I do next?

The etc. above is the path to your System32 folder. They gave an
example, but you have to type in the path where it's actually
located on your system. One point of confusion might be the fact
that there's a space after:

expand sndvol32.ex_

Then, there's the vague folder name.


It's most likely:


.. on your system.


Hi jj,

See if this applies.

Volume Icon Is Not Displayed in the Notification Area, and You
Receive an Error Message When You Try to Add It:


Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
Windows® XP
Troubleshooting http://www.winhelponline.com

Everything was working properly and suddenly something
can still
play dvds or cd's and hear the sound but nothing when i am
the internet
ie radio station live stream or e-cards. when i load up the
laptop i get a pop-up window that says "unable to conect to the
volume control" i have gone through all of the troubleshooting
menus and can't solve the problem. Please
Thank you

"The difficult we do immediately. The impossible takes a little longer."
Motto of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers during World War II ;-)

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

jj said:
My apologies "Mr." was my way of showing my great respect for your
knowledge and patience with my ignorance :D
thanks again i was getting really frustrated

Wesley Vogel said:
JJ, I am so happy to hear that you got it fixed!!!

Keep having fun! :-)

By the way, Mr. Vogel is my Dad.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

jj said:
Mr Vogel,
You are sooo very awsome!! thank you so much!! i got down past the
kellys corner stuff with net vol and now it works! thank you soo much i
don't have to do a system restore. I also didn't have to kill explorer.
your fantastic thank you for having so much patience.


Okie dokie, JJ, here's a list of things to try that I got from Kelly's

The volume icon does not appear in the notification area (system tray)

Open Sound and Audio Devices Properties...
Click Start | Click Run | Type or paste: mmsys.cpl | Click OK |
On the Volume Tab under Device Volume, put a check in the box that
reads: Place volume icon in the taskbar.

Click Start | Click Run | Type or paste: regsvr32 stobject.dll |
Click OK | A message should popup saying that stobject.dll registered

Go here...

Scroll down to...
320. Restore Volume/Net Icon to Notification Area
Right click on: Restore Volume/Net Icon to Notification Area and click
Save Target As.
The Save As dialog should open.
Click on the Desktop icon on the left to save netvol.reg to your
Desktop. Click on the Save button.
Locate netvol.reg on your Desktop, double click netvol.reg and click
Yes to the import prompt.
netvol.reg can be deleted after everything is fixed.

Make sure Always show is enabled for Volume in Taskbar Properties.
Right click the Taskbar | Properties | Taskbar tab | Customize button
| Click on Volume | Click the V to display the choices | Click on
Always show | Click OK | Click Apply | Click OK

In Sound and Audio Devices Properties, make sure "Place volume icon in
the taskbar" is checked. If it still doesn't work, here are two

Go to Start | Log off (log off then log back on).

Kill explorer and restart it.

Open the Task Manager...
Ctrl + Shift + Escape | Click on the Processes tab | Locate and
highlight explorer.exe | Right click explorer.exe | Click End Process
| Click
Yes to the Task Manager Warning that pops up | Click File on the
Click New Task (Run...) | Type in: explorer | Click OK

End Process on explorer.exe will make your Desktop, Taskbar and all
programs disappear. This can be startling. Restarting explorer will
bring everything back.

This can fix/restore/reinitialize/refresh a lot of things.

Good luck!

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

In jj <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
Thank you very much for all the sugestions, i tried going to the
system32 folder and dragging sndvol32 to the desktop. a new sndvol32
file appeared in the system32 folder so i deleted the one on the desk
top however i still got the same message. I also tried taking my
laptop to the store that i bought it from and used their xp home cd to
expand the sndvol32 file as per the original instructions. it told me
it had expanded the file but i still had the same problem. the tech
support guy at the store downloaded the drivers and hot key utilities
from tosiba again and i no longer get the error message but i still
can't get sound from live feed or e-cards. Keep in mind that dvds,cds
and other audio as in tutorials on the net do still play. the tech
support guy at the store said i would have to backup my files and do a
system restore. I am really hoping you have seen this before (becasue
i did mnage to expand the sndvol32 file from the xp cd) and know a
better solution.

Thank you very very much for the help and suggestions you have
allready given me,



OK, jj.

I am not familiar with recovery CDs, but I do not think that they
have an i386 folder. That is probably why you got the error
message. I admit that I hadn't even thought of that.

There are some other things that we can try. ;-)

You could do a Search on the recovery CD for the sndvol32.ex_ file
and we could try modifying the expand command.

Let's try this. Instead of trying to expand sndvol32.ex_, let's find
out if you have two sndvol32.exe files on your hard drive. Since
Toshiba loaded XP on your machine I do not know if we can find two or

The sndvol32.exe that is normally used exists in C:\WINDOWS\system32
or %windir%\system32. But there should be another copy in either
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache or C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles. You
should have one folder or the other.

First, try this.

Start | Run | Type: system32 | Click OK |

Size the window so you can also see your Desktop.
Scroll down to sndvol32.exe.
Left click and drag sndvol32.exe to your Desktop.
Wait just a minute.
Now scroll down clear to the bottom of system32.
Is there a new sndvol32.exe there?

If there is a new sndvol32.exe delete the one on your Desktop.
Close system32. You can delete the sndvol32.exe from your Desktop.

That means that the bad sndvol32.exe file was replaced by a hopefully
good copy from another folder. Hopefully the volume control now

If there is NOT a new sndvol32.exe drag the one on your Desktop back
into system32. Do NOT delete it.
Close system32.

That means that there wasn't another copy of sndvol32.exe to replace
the bad copy.

If there was no sndvol32.exe in the system32 folder that you could
drag to the desktop in the first place, then we have to see if there
is another copy of sndvol32.ex_ on your hard drive somewhere that we
can expand.

Search for sndvol32.ex_ using this as guidance...
HOW TO: Search For Hidden Or System Files In Windows XP

If none of this works, remove the 123 from (e-mail address removed)
and E-mail me and I will E-mail you back with a copy of sndvol32.exe.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

In jj <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
yes i put the cd in the drive and used d: because that is my cd
drive, and that is the error that i got. but the cd that i have is
y toshiba recovery cd, it is not a xp cd. my laptop came
preloaded, are these cd's diferent? thank you for being so patient.


No bother, jj.

We will keep doing this 'til one of us gets it right. ;-)

Is your XP CD in your D: drive?

I just did the command with no CD of any kind in either of my

This is the exact error that I got...

Can't open input file: d:\i386\sndvol32.ex_.

expand can't open the file because there is no CD that contains the
file in either of the drives.

Is D: the drive letter of the CD drive that your XP CD is in?

If it is in a different drive, like E:, change the drive letter in
the command.

By the way, it makes no difference if the letters are UPPERCASE,
lowercase or MiXeDcASe.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

In jj <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
sorry to be such a bother. i looked up the expand/? like you said
and i get the part about telling it what to expand FROM and TO
but i don't understand what it is telling me. when i type in
d:\i386\sndvol32.ex_ C:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe I still get
"can not open input file D:\i386\sndvol32/ex"
I am sorry, thank you for helping


Your missing this part D:\I386\

expand D:\I386\sndvol32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe

Change D to = your CD drive letter if it is different than D:

This command should also work...

expand D:\I386\sndvol32.ex_ %windir%\system32\sndvol32.exe

The Expand command has to know where to expand sndvol32.ex_ FROM
and TO. It needs a Source and a Destination.

Type expand /? in a command prompt for help.

Also for expand help...
Paste the following line into Start | Run and click OK...

hh ntcmds.chm::/expand.htm

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

In jj <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
ok i was missing the space. now when i type in the proper "
expand sndvol32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe" the
responce I get is " cannot open input file sndvol32.ex what
dose this mean? and what should i do next?


jj wrote:
When I follow those instructions after the final cmd "expand
sndvol32 etc..." it tells me "no destination specified for
sndvol32.exe" What should I do next?

The etc. above is the path to your System32 folder. They gave
an example, but you have to type in the path where it's
actually located on your system. One point of confusion might
be the fact that there's a space after:

expand sndvol32.ex_

Then, there's the vague folder name.


It's most likely:


.. on your system.


Hi jj,

See if this applies.

Volume Icon Is Not Displayed in the Notification Area, and
Receive an Error Message When You Try to Add It:


Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
’‚à ƒâ€šÃ‚®
XP Troubleshooting http://www.winhelponline.com

news:[email protected]...
Hello Wesley ,I just want to say I have had the same problem as JJ [no vol
on tray and can`t find sndvol32.exe] , for two weeks and your method worked
flawlessly using [expand D:\I386\sndvol32.ex_
%windir%\system32\sndvol32.exe]Thank you, I have been trying the
supportmicrosoft.com/kb/319095 way and it would not work , I cannot thank
you enough, rmechanico
Glad to hear it. Keep having fun. :-)

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

hey, I spent the last three hours tryin to figure out how to get this
working again! it apparently deleted when i used disk cleanup and i have no
idea why it would but anyway i did the same thing as the fella who wrote the
initial post and now three hours later you hit the nail on the head! it didnt
work at first and my DOS prompt lingo is rusty but i didnt think about the
from and to commands at first but once you posted the fact that it needs both
to work and i did it everything is working fine now! just wanted to say thanx
in a big way!! i was gonna pull out the few hairs i got left!
Wesley Vogel said:
Your missing this part D:\I386\

expand D:\I386\sndvol32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe

Change D to = your CD drive letter if it is different than D:

This command should also work...

expand D:\I386\sndvol32.ex_ %windir%\system32\sndvol32.exe

The Expand command has to know where to expand sndvol32.ex_ FROM and TO. It
needs a Source and a Destination.

Type expand /? in a command prompt for help.

Also for expand help...
Paste the following line into Start | Run and click OK...

hh ntcmds.chm::/expand.htm

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

jj said:
ok i was missing the space. now when i type in the proper " expand
sndvol32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe" the responce I get is "
cannot open input file sndvol32.ex what dose this mean? and what should
i do next?

Elmo said:
jj wrote:
When I follow those instructions after the final cmd "expand sndvol32
etc..." it tells me "no destination specified for sndvol32.exe" What
should I do next?

The etc. above is the path to your System32 folder. They gave an
example, but you have to type in the path where it's actually located on
your system. One point of confusion might be the fact that there's a
space after:

expand sndvol32.ex_

Then, there's the vague folder name.


It's most likely:


.. on your system.


Hi jj,

See if this applies.

Volume Icon Is Not Displayed in the Notification Area, and You Receive
an Error Message When You Try to Add It:


Ramesh Srinivasan, Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
Windows® XP Troubleshooting http://www.winhelponline.com

Everything was working properly and suddenly something happened. I can
play dvds or cd's and hear the sound but nothing when i am using the
ie radio station live stream or e-cards. when i load up the laptop i
get a pop-up window that says "unable to conect to the volume control"
i have gone through all of the troubleshooting menus and can't solve
the problem. Please
Thank you
