Thanks for the various suggestions.
Let me say something regarding HOW this audio control should work, because I
just saw the same HP Pavillion notebook at COSTCO.
When you put your finger on top of the very row of F keys, there is a + and
a -. When you slide your finger across it, green volume "strips" show up at
the screen and show the decrease or increase.
I'm unclear what you mean, there is a separate buttons or
touch-sensitive area above the <F(n)> keys? If so, I would
also wonder about manufacturing or assembly defects, if it's
possible this is continually shorting out the "+" key for
some reason.
If it were old, I'd suggest taking it apart, but since new
and under warranty, if the software changes proposed earlier
dont help then I'd see about getting it replaced,
preferribly instead of having some service center fiddle
with it which could take ages and not entirely fix the
problem plus if they try to repair it the case is being
taken apart, maybe not put back together as well as it was
in the first place which might've been the whole problem
with the + button (if it is the problem).
That does not work.
I do not recall installing anything regarding volume control, since the
notebook is only a few days old.
I'm not suggesting you did, rather that whatever is/was
already installed might be buggy. Remember that buggy or
not a manufacturer has to use the software available, and
patch it later.
So far HP technical support (in INDIA) has not been able to help, but were
friendly and will call back with a second level techie.
I would carefully document all of this in case you have to
escalate the situation to a replacement request.
If your system allows booting to a special multimedia player
mode, bypassing windows, you might try that (with a
multimedia disc inserted so it has something to "do", and
see if the volume controls are working then.