My sister is looking for a voice recognition program for Windows. She
knows little about computers, and I know nothing about voice navigation.
She's been told about Dragon and Jawbone. Are there others? Which is
best? Do they all work witn word processors and other apps?
** Please use address alanh77[at]comccast.net to reply via e-mail. **
Posted using registered MR/2 ICE Newsreader #564 and eComStation 1.1
BBS - The Nerve Center Telnet FidoNet 261/1000 tncbbs.no-ip.com
knows little about computers, and I know nothing about voice navigation.
She's been told about Dragon and Jawbone. Are there others? Which is
best? Do they all work witn word processors and other apps?
** Please use address alanh77[at]comccast.net to reply via e-mail. **
Posted using registered MR/2 ICE Newsreader #564 and eComStation 1.1
BBS - The Nerve Center Telnet FidoNet 261/1000 tncbbs.no-ip.com