Voice chat system from scratch

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I am an IT student majoring in computer network systems but I am interested
and I have alot of courage to create my own Client/Server Voice chat using
VB, my questions is: where do i start? and what do i need? your response
shall be appreciated.
I am an IT student majoring in computer network systems but I am
and I have alot of courage to create my own Client/Server Voice chat using
VB, my questions is: where do i start? and what do i need?

In 1999 I wrote a magazine article about a system capable of transmitting
voice over TCP/IP. Back then, I used Borland's Delphi, but the same
principles apply to Visual Basic as well.

To write such a chat on your own, here's basically what you need to do: on
both clients, you need to record audio from the microphone, and divide the
sound into blocks, and probably compress it. Then, you would transmit the
audio packets over the wire to the other person, decode the package, and
play it out. Windows API (or DirectX) has the functions you need to record
and play back audio, .NET doesn't directly have such classes.

If you live close to a good library, you might want to find my original

Magazine: Delphi Informant
Publisher: Informant Communications Group, USA
Jul/1999: "NetSound: Streaming Audio over a TCP/IP Network".

The magazine doesn't exists anymore I'm afraid, but you can buy the complete
works on CD. Check http://www.informant.com/ for details.

Of course, Google might also give you insights into similar projects.

Hope this helps.


Mr. Jani Järvinen
Helsinki, Finland
(e-mail address removed)
Thanks for that answer, I am willing to buy that Delphi Informant CD-ROM but
I have a question: would the article "NetSound: Streaming Audio over a TCP/IP
Network" tell in detail the steps including the code that is used for
creating the voice chat system? Thanks in advance.
I have a question: would the article "NetSound: Streaming Audio over a
Network" tell in detail the steps including the code that is used for
creating the voice chat system?

Unfortunately no, the article won't tell you exactly that.

However, the article will show you how to record and send audio in a single
direction ("half duplex") and play it back on the other end. So, the system
isn't a full-blown chat system, but you could quite easily extend it to be
such a thing.


Mr. Jani Järvinen
Helsinki, Finland
(e-mail address removed)
Dear Sir, I have finished the process of designing a voice chat as an ActiveX
which I am going to integrate on my website allowing clients to run it, and I
have the server online on the other side. I am trying to develop a Banning
system, to ban users with irregular behaviour, I tried to ban them by IP, but
they can always change IP and come in, what other banning methods can I use ?
and how do I go about it ?
Dear Sir, I have finished the process of designing a voice chat as an ActiveX
which I am going to integrate on my website allowing clients to run it, and I
have the server online on the other side. I am trying to develop a Banning
system, to ban users with irregular behaviour, I tried to ban them by IP, but
they can always change IP and come in, what other banning methods can I use ?
and how do I go about it ?

Since it's on a Web page, i would issue all the users with username and
passwords then require them to login via a login page before they are
allowed to view the page with the ActiveX. Of course, it also depends on
your target. If it is an intranet application, then you could possibly use
Windows authentication instead.

By the way, what technology / tools did you finally use to do your voice
chat? I'll have to start a similar project very soon and that would help me
a lot to have some clues about what i could use to do that.

Dave said:
I am an IT student majoring in computer network systems but I am interested
and I have alot of courage to create my own Client/Server Voice chat using
VB, my questions is: where do i start? and what do i need? your response
shall be appreciated.


Check with Carl Franklin at franlins.net

He demonstrated one that he wrote last year. He could probably give you
some pointers. Good luck!
although each user has his own password, some can register more passwords and
login unbanned, so we need something that bans the unique user/machine