Vodafone - the worst customer service I've ever had


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
I'm partly writing this to document what has happened, as the problem is still in progress - but also to warn others about this experience! I'm incredibly angry with how they treat customers and I've never experienced customer service this bad before.

On the 15th Jan I ordered and paid for an LG G4 PAYG phone online and got a confirmation that it was ready to collect in store, so I went in the next day. Surprisingly, they didn't have one available for me in store - so I waited a few days for them to order me one in. Over the course of the next 2 weeks, I kept getting e-mails from Vodafone telling me my phone was awaiting collection - but it was never in store (I probably tried about 4 times). Each time I spoke to Vodafone customer service they told me that they would send another out to make sure it was there - but the store never received any (and I believe them, as they were very apologetic and embarrassed about the situation).

After 2 weeks of waiting and wasting time going in to store when I was promised it would be there, I wrote to Vodafone with a much more detailed complaint letter (I've wasted about 6 hours of calls, emails and store visits). They haven't acknowledged the letter, phoned me about it or replied - even though their website says they will respond ASAP and aim to resolve the complaint within 5 days.

I then rang up and said I'd like a refund because there's no way I'd like to deal with a company that treats customers this way - then they wanted a screenshot of my online banking to prove that I'd paid (they have my order number, so should clearly know). I was told that it would arrive by today (Mon 8th). Surprise, surprise - nothing has arrived. I called again and they said that I didn't send in proof of payment last week (I did, and can see it sitting in my sent items list as well as an e-mail confirmation!). They were very stubborn and insisted that I re-send it, so I made them check that they'd received it again this time.

It's ridiculous, I've never been called back when promised, don't have the phone I paid for and can't get a refund from them. I've spent got knows how much on calls and wasted so many hours. I have zero faith that anything will actually happen. Sadly the Vodafone stores have no control over refunds or customer service (they are just sales) - or I would go and get this sorted in person.

I'm giving it another few days before going to the bank and getting it sorted from that end (although paid on a debit card), but I'd like the avoid that if possible as I imagine it'll cause more problems with a company that seems very disjointed in terms of customer care.
Thats shocking!

I left VF about 3 years ago now, but that was due to their network and the terrible 3G speeds (and at the time non existent 4G network) Sadly Three have become terribly slow now too, so I'm looking at moving over to EE (Good network, but hear the CS is bad!)

Hope you get it sorted soon! Shame you paid by debit, if it were a CC you would have more rights which I'm sure you're aware of. :)
I'm just amazed at the number of times I've been told something and then nothing has happened - I genuinely don't know what the person on the end of the phone or computer does. "You'll hear back from us within x days" - nope, "Your phone is going to arrive in 2 days" after me explaining that I've heard this all before. Absolutely useless!

I'm with EE at the moment, and although their CS isn't great - they have at least tried to be helpful when needed (and they can help more in store).
That is truly appalling Ian! In addition to Mucks' good suggestion, you might also want to consider speaking with your Council's Trading Standards Office. If nothing else, it will put Vodafone's awful treatment of you on their radar.

Sadly, having to go down any complaint-routes is an unwanted hassle, and really should not be necessary. But it's even more galling when they think they can get away with depriving you of the item you have already paid-for with such stupid delay-tactics.

Good luck, I really hope the situation will be resolved very soon.
Ian, you are still protected using a debit card and you should contact your bank.
Explain to them you paid for goods but did not get them, you should get a full refund as the bank with chase vodafone for the money and you can bet they will not muck around a large bank!!

Keep us posted on how it goes.
That is truly appalling Ian! In addition to Mucks' good suggestion, you might also want to consider speaking with your Council's Trading Standards Office. If nothing else, it will put Vodafone's awful treatment of you on their radar.

Thanks! That's a good point and it looks like there's an online form on that link too - I'll send them some details now and see what they'd recommend.

Ian, you are still protected using a debit card and you should contact your bank.

Cheers, I'll probably end up doing this or going to the small claims court. I'm going to give them until Monday, as they're apparently doing it now (ha!), plus it's my birthday on Friday so don't want to deal with letters this week.
So sorry to hear about your problems Ian I do have a mobile but I only use it in an emergency, but the service is not good enough, my personnel opinion is that you should be consulting a solicitor as they have broken their contract with you. Or perhaps Trading Standards run by your local authority.