vndotnet 2008 - Saving LINQ query result into variables.

  • Thread starter Thread starter plonk
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I have the following code which saves the result from a query into an
array. I want to be able to do some mathematic functions on the data,
but can't seem to figure out how to get it into variables of the
correct type.


Dim myWinningTime = (From rrd In myScenario.MeetingInfos _
Join meet In
myScenario.RaceResultDatas On rrd.EventID Equals meet.EventID _
Where meet.RaceID = myEvent _
Select rrd.WinningTime,
rrd.RaceLength, meet.Dec, rrd.RailMetresOut)
Dim answer() = myWinningTime.ToArray


Since the Array is of <anonymous type> I can't manipulate the data.

Ideally I would like to end up with 4 diferent declared variables,
each with their own type.

Please help as I am a bit of a noob :D

thanks PK
Perhaps this might get you on the right track.

Dim Items() As Item = _
{ _
New Book With {.ID = 1, .Price = 13.5, .Genre = "Comedy", .Author = "Jim
Bob"}, _
New Book With {.ID = 2, .Price = 8.5, .Genre = "Drama", .Author = "John
Fox"}, _
New Movie With {.ID = 3, .Price = 22.99, .Genre = "Action", .Director =
"Phil Funk"}, _
New Movie With {.ID = 4, .Price = 13.4, .Genre = "Action", .Director =
"Eddie Jones"} _

Dim ItemQueryOne = From Item In Items _
Where Item.Price > 9.99 _
Order By Item.ID _
Select Price = Item.Price, Item.ID, Type =

Dim temp As Integer
For Each Item In ItemQueryOne
temp = Item.ID + 1
Console.WriteLine("ID +1 {0} Price increase {1} original price {2}", _
temp, Item.Price + 2.3, Item.Price)


Public Class Item
Private mID As Integer
Private mPrice As Double
Private mGenre As String
Public Property Genre() As String
Return mGenre
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mGenre = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property ID() As Integer
Return mID
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
mID = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Price() As Double
Return mPrice
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Double)
mPrice = value
End Set
End Property

End Class
Public Class Book
Inherits Item

Private mAuthor As String
Public Property Author() As String
Return mAuthor
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mAuthor = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Public Class Movie
Inherits Item

Private mDirector As String
Public Property Director() As String
Return mDirector
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
mDirector = value
End Set
End Property

End Class