


I have the following Vlookup function:
=VLOOKUP(F7,'\\********\Public\Lab\Tech Service Lab\Sample Log-in\[Customer
Sample Log.xls]2006 Log-In Sheet'!$1:$10000,13,FALSE)

It is pulling the correct data, but not all of it. Is there a display
maximum and if so how can I change that? The full data does pull in when you
have the database excel sheet open along with my current excel report.
However, when just the report is open like I said before it is not display
all of the contents of the cell.

Any help would be most appreciative


This may be a limitation. I think excel has a 255 character limit per cell.
You may be able toget more into a cell but sometimes when I copy data I get a
warning that I have exceeded the cell limit and data will be truncated.


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