I'm using vlookup to retrieve Description and price on an invoice.
This is an example of the formula I am using
=IF(ISBLANK(C21),"",VLOOKUP(C21,Invoice.xls!My_Table,2)). All of thi
works except if I don't put the exact Item number in it just finds th
closest on to it instead of creating an error. Is there somethin
wrong with my formula or am I missing a preference setting?
All the best
Nathan Sargean
I'm using vlookup to retrieve Description and price on an invoice.
This is an example of the formula I am using
=IF(ISBLANK(C21),"",VLOOKUP(C21,Invoice.xls!My_Table,2)). All of thi
works except if I don't put the exact Item number in it just finds th
closest on to it instead of creating an error. Is there somethin
wrong with my formula or am I missing a preference setting?
All the best
Nathan Sargean