J Jason Morin Apr 7, 2004 #2 VLOOKUP *is* non-case sensitive. If I look up "cat", I'll get a hit for any of these: CAT CaT Cat caT cAt cat CAt cAT HTH Jason Atlanta, GA
VLOOKUP *is* non-case sensitive. If I look up "cat", I'll get a hit for any of these: CAT CaT Cat caT cAt cat CAt cAT HTH Jason Atlanta, GA
H Harlan Grove Apr 7, 2004 #3 VLOOKUP *is* non-case sensitive. If I look up "cat", I'll get a hit for any of these: CAT CaT Cat caT cAt cat CAt cAT Click to expand... ... So your work-around would be . . . ? As always, when VLOOKUP proves inadequate, use INDEX/MATCH, but this time with a twist. With the lookup table named Tbl, and the result desired in it's N_th column, try the array formula =INDEX(Tbl,MATCH(TRUE,EXACT(INDEX(Tbl,0,1),"cat"),0),N)
VLOOKUP *is* non-case sensitive. If I look up "cat", I'll get a hit for any of these: CAT CaT Cat caT cAt cat CAt cAT Click to expand... ... So your work-around would be . . . ? As always, when VLOOKUP proves inadequate, use INDEX/MATCH, but this time with a twist. With the lookup table named Tbl, and the result desired in it's N_th column, try the array formula =INDEX(Tbl,MATCH(TRUE,EXACT(INDEX(Tbl,0,1),"cat"),0),N)