I am doing a VLOOKUP which is working nicely, but I had this idea where the
user could specify in the sheet data from 1 column and then data from
another column and where you have both in the row I would get other data in
the row. Is there anyway of doing that?
E.g. if the data was like I have laid out below and the user specified A1
and X2 I could get at the data 20 or 21 but I wouldn't want the row before that.
A1 X1 10 11
A1 X2 20 21
B1 Y1 11 22
B2 Y2 22 33
I am doing a VLOOKUP which is working nicely, but I had this idea where the
user could specify in the sheet data from 1 column and then data from
another column and where you have both in the row I would get other data in
the row. Is there anyway of doing that?
E.g. if the data was like I have laid out below and the user specified A1
and X2 I could get at the data 20 or 21 but I wouldn't want the row before that.
A1 X1 10 11
A1 X2 20 21
B1 Y1 11 22
B2 Y2 22 33