vlookup results in different cell



Can the results of a vlookup be sent to a cell other than the one the formula
is in? Can't protect the cell where the data needs to be as that cell needs
the option to fill in data not found in the vlookup array.


Where in the following formula would you include '=a1' in order to get the
result from cell c1 to a1?

=VLOOKUP(K25,'Drop Down Data'!$T$3:$W$426,2)

Thanks for your help!

Don Guillett

You can't. Assuming your formula below is in cell c1 and you want to ALSO
see it in a1 then in cell a1 put =c1. If you only want it to be in cell a1
put the formula in cell a1.

Gord Dibben

Formulas cannot "send" results to other cells.

What Don is saying...........assuming the VLOOKUP result is in C1 enter =C1 in
cell A1 to have the C1 results placed in A1 also.

But this won't do you any good if you will be overwriting the C1 VLOOKUP formula
with a typed entry as you wish.

A cell can hold a formula or a typed in value, not both.

Re-design is your only hope if you intend to overwrite formulas with typed

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Thanks for the confirmation. I had pretty much already decided it could not
be done, but.............

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