Vlookup or Index/Match

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How can I lookup when match has more than one value..

Server1 C:\ (2) 21478666240 17488568534 3990097706 81.42297263
Server1 D:\ (3) 2.9362E+11 68383018334 2.25237E+11 23.28963077
Server1 E:\ (4) 1.25325E+11 48705869576 76619192568 38.8636309
with the basic syntax of the Vlookup or Index Match, I can get the
utilization of the C drive or E drive but not the D drive..which has a value
of 23.289 % Any help is much appreciated.
Maybe what you're after is to match based on more than a single criteria?
(you should always post your formula(s) attempted)

Presuming your source data as posted in cols A to G,
where col G contains the "%" figures you want returned
based on a twin criteria match of the server and drive in cols A and B

You could put this in say, I1, normal ENTER:
which will return the required: 23.29 from col G
Adapt to suit. The match criteria can be easily expanded likewise in the
manner shown to include other params in other source cols if needed.

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Focusing on this line ..
How can I lookup when match has more than one value ..

Here's one way using a simple & fast formula set-up to extract multiple
Presuming your source data as posted in cols A to G from row1 down
where col G contains the "%" figures you want returned
based on a twin criteria match of the server and drive in cols A and B

To extract all the values for "Server1" in col A, "D:\" in col B
In K1: =IF(AND(A1="Server1",B1="D:\"),ROW(),"")
Copy K1:L1 down to cover the max expected extent of source data, say down to
L100? Col L will return all the multiple match results neatly packed at the
top. Minimize/hide away col K, which is the criteria col. Its quite easy to
understand what's happening in the criteria col, so you could easily
cross-apply to handle whatever criteria in other situations.

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Hi Max,
Thankyou for the prompt reply, this did work need to tweak a bit..

I am yet to try your other solution..will try it too..
Max Thanks a lot.