Vlookup limitations

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I have a workbook setup just like this (below) except it has everyday in
2005. When I do a vlookup I have it lookup according to Week # because that
is the line with weekly totals of what I need. I can get the lookup to work
but only up to Week # 13 and the it just repeats Week 13 over and over again.
What might be causing this?

Please help! thanks in advance.

Week of 1/3/2005
1/3 Mon
1/4 Tue
1/5 Wed
1/6 Thu
1/7 Fri
1/8 Sat
1/9 Sun
Week # 1
Week of 1/10/2005
1/10 Mon
1/11 Tue
1/12 Wed
1/13 Thu
1/14 Fri
1/15 Sat
1/16 Sun
Week # 2
Week of 1/17/2005
1/17 Mon
1/18 Tue
1/19 Wed
1/20 Thu
1/21 Fri
1/22 Sat
1/23 Sun
Week # 3
Without seeing your formula I'm wondering if you are perhaps not using the
optional 4th argument of FALSE or 0 in your VLOOKUP.

Assuming your data was in the range B2:C470 with the week # being in Coilumn
B and your actual values being in Column C, and the week # that you want to
lookup being sat in say F1 cell then based on what you have told us I would
expect your formula would be




The 4th argument of FALSE or 0 denotes that an EXACT match mnust be found
for the week# you are trying to find. Close enough is not good enough, it
must be exact. If you don't do this then it will always return a value, but
it may not be the right value. Both ways have their uses, but you need top
understand the reasons for, and impacts of each

Do you have an email address where I can send you the file and you can look
at it.....I know that I haven't used the TRUE and FALSE options but I don't
see how that would help.