Hello ... still learning Excel and have a
formatting/function problem. Worksheet A uses VLookup to
post values from a list on Worksheet B. WorksheetA is
formatted for 200 rows of information, however if the
lookup value cell doesn't have anything posted in it, then
it dispays "#N/A" in the target cell and I would like to
eliminate the #N/A from displaying. The VLookup is simple,
just don't know how to write a nested formula or add
something to remove #N/A. The current formula is as
=VLOOKUP(B25,Option_Index.xls!Option_range,2,FALSE)&" "&
Any help/advice appreciated. Thanks in advance.
formatting/function problem. Worksheet A uses VLookup to
post values from a list on Worksheet B. WorksheetA is
formatted for 200 rows of information, however if the
lookup value cell doesn't have anything posted in it, then
it dispays "#N/A" in the target cell and I would like to
eliminate the #N/A from displaying. The VLookup is simple,
just don't know how to write a nested formula or add
something to remove #N/A. The current formula is as
=VLOOKUP(B25,Option_Index.xls!Option_range,2,FALSE)&" "&
Any help/advice appreciated. Thanks in advance.