The Ajax bits for 2.0 (2005 or 2008 with 2.0 targeted) are a separate
install. You have to make sure you have the correct AJAX assemblies
referenced in a 2.0 project. I ran into this fence awhile ago, and it is not
hard once you get your head wrapped around it.
I no longer have 2005 installed (not quite true, as it is the front end for
SQL 2005, but I do not have the dev bits installed for 2005), so I cannot
play with any solutions and give you more guidance, other than focus on
which assembly you are referencing in 2005.
Personally, I would ditch 2005 (not necessarily uninstall, but stop using
it) and focus on your 2.0 dev in 2008. You will still have to watch AJAX 1.0
references, as the bits already in 2008 are for 3.5. Create a new toolbox
group and reference the control assembly. Make sure you mark the group 2.0.
Then you should be fine.
Gregory A. Beamer
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