I am getting a Visual studio 2008 IDE application R6034 runtime error. This
means that the IDE application is raising the error not the application I am
building. This means that Microsoft did not follow its own advice as listed
in http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms235560(VS.80).aspx and "build
with a manifest". The DLL in question seems to be msvcr8.0.dll which is the
VS2005 C runtime DLL. I am not sure why this is an issue in a VS2008 but it
The following is text on the error message window:
Runtime Error!
Program: C:\Progr...
An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library
Please contact the application's support team for information
The error occurrs after trying to back out of VS 2008 SP1, .NET 3.5
Framework SP1, .NET 3.0 Framework SP2, .NET 2.0 Framework SP2 and all the
other releated components that the VS 2008 SP1 and .NET 3.5 Framework SP1 do
not properly clean up.
This means that the " application's support team" is Microsoft . Therefore,
I am hoping that one of the Microsoft moderators that monitor these news
groups will respond.
Forgive me for posting to multiple groups on this one but I posted in
microsoft.public.vstudio.general a few days ago and received no response. I
need an answer on this and so far the moderators have ignored it and
answered the soft balls posted after my original post. This means that this
must be an internal "politcal football" at Microsoft and I am caught in the
means that the IDE application is raising the error not the application I am
building. This means that Microsoft did not follow its own advice as listed
in http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms235560(VS.80).aspx and "build
with a manifest". The DLL in question seems to be msvcr8.0.dll which is the
VS2005 C runtime DLL. I am not sure why this is an issue in a VS2008 but it
The following is text on the error message window:
Runtime Error!
Program: C:\Progr...
An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library
Please contact the application's support team for information
The error occurrs after trying to back out of VS 2008 SP1, .NET 3.5
Framework SP1, .NET 3.0 Framework SP2, .NET 2.0 Framework SP2 and all the
other releated components that the VS 2008 SP1 and .NET 3.5 Framework SP1 do
not properly clean up.
This means that the " application's support team" is Microsoft . Therefore,
I am hoping that one of the Microsoft moderators that monitor these news
groups will respond.
Forgive me for posting to multiple groups on this one but I posted in
microsoft.public.vstudio.general a few days ago and received no response. I
need an answer on this and so far the moderators have ignored it and
answered the soft balls posted after my original post. This means that this
must be an internal "politcal football" at Microsoft and I am caught in the