Visual Studio 2005 IIS Issue



I am using Windows Vista Ultimate and Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition.
I have pulled down a solution containing several web projects from TFS.
When I open this solution from my local drive I am prompted with a
message (for each project in the solution) every time that informs me
that the project is configured with ASP.NET 1.1, and asks me if I would
like to configure it for ASP.NET 2.0. I answer yes and everything
seems to open up ok. But I am asked the same question for each project
every time I open the solution. I have changed all the application
pools in IIS 7.0 from DefaultAppPool to ASP.NET2.0, but this still does
not fix the problem. Anyone know why this is happening?


I should also note that if I open the solution from within the Team
Explorer I do not have any problems.

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