I have this problem where the webserver is waiting for a response to a message box from a Visual Fox Pro Query, but I have no idea how to find out what is causing the message box within my ASP.net code
When/how/why would a foxpro query within my asp.net code want to show a message box
I'm running into an issue with my application where all of a sudden IIS will stop serving my asp.net pages. I run the IISState on the aspnet_wp.exe process ID. A lot of the threads say they're waiting on thread 17. Thread 17 says it's waiting for a response from a messagebox
I'm not sure this is the correct place to post this or not, but can anybody help me out with this. I really don't know where this messagebox thing is coming from. I query from both SQL Server tables as well as Fox Pro tables. No where in my code to I try and open up a message box. Any suggestions?
Thread ID: 1
System Thread ID: 227
Kernel Time: 0:0:0.
User Time: 0:0:0.9
Other information: Thread is waiting for a lock to be released. Looking for lock owner
Owning thread System ID: 21e
Thread Type: Managed Thread. Possible ASP.Net page or other .Net worke
Thread 1
Begin System Thread Informatio
# ChildEBP RetAddr
00 15fefda8 77f8822a ntdll!ZwWaitForSingleObject+0x
01 15fefe1c 77f8819b ntdll!RtlpWaitForCriticalSection+0x9
02 15fefe24 77f88d38 ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection+0x4
03 15fefedc 77f88f1f ntdll!LdrpGetProcedureAddress+0x12
04 15fefef4 7c576209 ntdll!LdrGetProcedureAddress+0x1
05 15feff1c 7923e5dc KERNEL32!GetProcAddress+0x4
06 15feff80 7923e69a mscorsvr!__delayLoadHelper2+0x1e
07 15feffb4 7c57438b mscorsvr!_tailMerge_ole32+0x
08 15feffec 00000000 KERNEL32!BaseThreadStart+0x5
Thread ID: 1
System Thread ID: 21e
Kernel Time: 0:0:0.1
User Time: 0:0:0.6
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for C:\WINNT\system32\odbc32.dll -
Warning: This thread is blocked by a Message Bo
Message Box Text: Cannot create program workspace temp files
Thread Type: Visual FoxPro Query. Possible ASP Pag
Executing Page: Either ASP.dll is not being called on this thread or symbol file not available. Unable to locate ASP page
Continuing with other analysis
# ChildEBP RetAddr
00 1686ce44 77e2812a USER32!NtUserWaitMessage+0x
01 1686ce78 77e28012 USER32!DialogBox2+0x21
02 1686ce9c 77e2fd24 USER32!InternalDialogBox+0xd
03 1686d154 77e2f76a USER32!SoftModalMessageBox+0x75
04 1686d29c 77e2f637 USER32!MessageBoxWorker+0x24
05 1686d2f4 77e365db USER32!MessageBoxExW+0x7
06 1686d324 77e36568 USER32!MessageBoxExA+0xa
07 1686d344 6b08e083 USER32!MessageBoxA+0x4
08 1686d358 6b06ef41 vfpodbc!CFGConfigDll+0x11
09 1686e0c8 6b06ee18 vfpodbc!CFGConfigDll+0xe
0a 1686e234 6b06971f vfpodbc!FxInit+0x4
0b 1686e23c 6b0694c8 vfpodbc!DllMain+0x1
0c 1686e25c 77f830e7 vfpodbc!_DllMainCRTStartup+0x6
0d 1686e27c 77f8d96b ntdll!LdrpCallInitRoutine+0x1
0e 1686e2fc 77f8da9e ntdll!LdrpRunInitializeRoutines+0x1d
0f 1686e594 77f88a29 ntdll!LdrpLoadDll+0x2e
10 1686e5ac 7c576837 ntdll!LdrLoadDll+0x1
11 1686e640 170b6fd9 KERNEL32!LoadLibraryExW+0x23
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong
12 1686e660 170b6c16 odbc32!SQLGetFunctions+0x7c
13 1686efb8 170b2af5 odbc32!SQLGetFunctions+0x40
14 1686f6e0 16050ebb odbc32!SQLDriverConnectW+0x15
15 1686f7a4 16e9436a 0x16050eb
16 050a326c 00000000 0x16e9436
Here are my connection strings from my web.config file
<add key="connString" value="server=(local);database=DB_NAME;Trusted_Connection=yes;" /><add key="win_dsn" value="Driver={Microsoft Visual FoxPro
Driver};SourceType=DBF;SourceDB=C:\mydata;Exclusive=No" /
One example of my database hit to the Fox Pro data
Dim myConn As OdbcConnectio
Dim myCmnd As OdbcComman
Dim myDR As OdbcDataReade
myConn = New OdbcConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("win_dsn")
myCmnd = New OdbcCommand(strSql, myConn
myDR = myCmnd.ExecuteReade
While myDR.Read
found = True
win_qty = Trim(myDR("wi_qty"))
End While
dbStatus = True
Catch exSql As Exception
dbStatus = False
Catch ex As Exception
dbStatus = False
End Try
When/how/why would a foxpro query within my asp.net code want to show a message box
I'm running into an issue with my application where all of a sudden IIS will stop serving my asp.net pages. I run the IISState on the aspnet_wp.exe process ID. A lot of the threads say they're waiting on thread 17. Thread 17 says it's waiting for a response from a messagebox
I'm not sure this is the correct place to post this or not, but can anybody help me out with this. I really don't know where this messagebox thing is coming from. I query from both SQL Server tables as well as Fox Pro tables. No where in my code to I try and open up a message box. Any suggestions?
Thread ID: 1
System Thread ID: 227
Kernel Time: 0:0:0.
User Time: 0:0:0.9
Other information: Thread is waiting for a lock to be released. Looking for lock owner
Owning thread System ID: 21e
Thread Type: Managed Thread. Possible ASP.Net page or other .Net worke
Thread 1
Begin System Thread Informatio
# ChildEBP RetAddr
00 15fefda8 77f8822a ntdll!ZwWaitForSingleObject+0x
01 15fefe1c 77f8819b ntdll!RtlpWaitForCriticalSection+0x9
02 15fefe24 77f88d38 ntdll!RtlEnterCriticalSection+0x4
03 15fefedc 77f88f1f ntdll!LdrpGetProcedureAddress+0x12
04 15fefef4 7c576209 ntdll!LdrGetProcedureAddress+0x1
05 15feff1c 7923e5dc KERNEL32!GetProcAddress+0x4
06 15feff80 7923e69a mscorsvr!__delayLoadHelper2+0x1e
07 15feffb4 7c57438b mscorsvr!_tailMerge_ole32+0x
08 15feffec 00000000 KERNEL32!BaseThreadStart+0x5
Thread ID: 1
System Thread ID: 21e
Kernel Time: 0:0:0.1
User Time: 0:0:0.6
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for C:\WINNT\system32\odbc32.dll -
Warning: This thread is blocked by a Message Bo
Message Box Text: Cannot create program workspace temp files
Thread Type: Visual FoxPro Query. Possible ASP Pag
Executing Page: Either ASP.dll is not being called on this thread or symbol file not available. Unable to locate ASP page
Continuing with other analysis
# ChildEBP RetAddr
00 1686ce44 77e2812a USER32!NtUserWaitMessage+0x
01 1686ce78 77e28012 USER32!DialogBox2+0x21
02 1686ce9c 77e2fd24 USER32!InternalDialogBox+0xd
03 1686d154 77e2f76a USER32!SoftModalMessageBox+0x75
04 1686d29c 77e2f637 USER32!MessageBoxWorker+0x24
05 1686d2f4 77e365db USER32!MessageBoxExW+0x7
06 1686d324 77e36568 USER32!MessageBoxExA+0xa
07 1686d344 6b08e083 USER32!MessageBoxA+0x4
08 1686d358 6b06ef41 vfpodbc!CFGConfigDll+0x11
09 1686e0c8 6b06ee18 vfpodbc!CFGConfigDll+0xe
0a 1686e234 6b06971f vfpodbc!FxInit+0x4
0b 1686e23c 6b0694c8 vfpodbc!DllMain+0x1
0c 1686e25c 77f830e7 vfpodbc!_DllMainCRTStartup+0x6
0d 1686e27c 77f8d96b ntdll!LdrpCallInitRoutine+0x1
0e 1686e2fc 77f8da9e ntdll!LdrpRunInitializeRoutines+0x1d
0f 1686e594 77f88a29 ntdll!LdrpLoadDll+0x2e
10 1686e5ac 7c576837 ntdll!LdrLoadDll+0x1
11 1686e640 170b6fd9 KERNEL32!LoadLibraryExW+0x23
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong
12 1686e660 170b6c16 odbc32!SQLGetFunctions+0x7c
13 1686efb8 170b2af5 odbc32!SQLGetFunctions+0x40
14 1686f6e0 16050ebb odbc32!SQLDriverConnectW+0x15
15 1686f7a4 16e9436a 0x16050eb
16 050a326c 00000000 0x16e9436
Here are my connection strings from my web.config file
<add key="connString" value="server=(local);database=DB_NAME;Trusted_Connection=yes;" /><add key="win_dsn" value="Driver={Microsoft Visual FoxPro
Driver};SourceType=DBF;SourceDB=C:\mydata;Exclusive=No" /
One example of my database hit to the Fox Pro data
Dim myConn As OdbcConnectio
Dim myCmnd As OdbcComman
Dim myDR As OdbcDataReade
myConn = New OdbcConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("win_dsn")
myCmnd = New OdbcCommand(strSql, myConn
myDR = myCmnd.ExecuteReade
While myDR.Read
found = True
win_qty = Trim(myDR("wi_qty"))
End While
dbStatus = True
Catch exSql As Exception
dbStatus = False
Catch ex As Exception
dbStatus = False
End Try