visual fox pro library

  • Thread starter Thread starter howard fergusson
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howard fergusson

I have an access database on win2k and I am trying to log
into the database. after I double click on the database
shortcut I recieve the error message

cannot find microsoft visual foxpro library.

from here I can go no further.

I am not an access guru at all but do I need to load this
onto the local pc and if so where from.

An answer would be great, even an explanation on what
visual fox pro is used for.

Visual Fox Pro is a program, similar in purpose (though very different in
approach) to Microsoft Access, used to create database applications. The
only reason I can think of why an Access application would include a
reference to the VFP object library would be if the Access application was
used to automate (programmatically manipulate) a VFP application. In order
for that to work, VFP would have to be installed on the target PC.

Simply installing VFP on the PC would not necessarily solve the problem,
though, the application may require a specific version of VFP. So before
spending good money on a copy of VFP that may prove incompatible, you should
talk to the person who developed the application.
I've occasionally gotten "false" requests for VFP libraries, although I'll
immediately admit that it's more common in my VB work than in Access.
It seems that missing files are identified by their file extensions, so if
the file you need has the same letters after the dot as a VFP type, it may
be identified as a VFP library without actually having anything to do with
Visual Fox Pro.
(One way some programmers protect their work is to use different file
extensions from the usual.)

I'd suggest you open the database with the shift key down, so that no
startup code runs, then open a code window and check Tools - References to
see what's actually missing.

- Turtle