If you must post in multiple groups, cross posting is better than
P.S. I answered your question in one of the other newsgroups, don't remember
which - had you cross-posted, then all would have been updated with the
answer when I replied.
You can cross post by clicking on the "Advanced Options" link at the
bottom of the "New Question" page. When this "Advanced Options" link is
clicked, a text box appears where you can provide name for the other group
you want to send your post to.
Since you are using Outlook Express as opposed to the web interface,
crossposting is very easy. In the message compose box, click newsgroups,
then select an appropriate group from the list on the left and click add, do
that for each group to which you wish to send the post. Please try to limit
your selections to the ones most appropriate to your question as opposed to
simply posting to dozens of groups in a scattershot attempt to get an