I'm steel trying to read and update my XML file with Visual Basic
Express but i am unable to find the right way to read my xml file and
update it if neccessary...
Here is my problem : evry day, i store the number of children in my
classroom in my XML file. For exemple, on monday, my app ask me
something like this : msgbox ("Are the 28 children here today ?",vbyesno)
If not, I write 25 in an inputbox and i store this information in the xml.
On tuesday, I run my app and I would like to be asked :
"Are the 3 children (which where missing yesterday) back today ?"
If yes, I want to store 28 in the xml file. If not, I store the number
in my inputbox.
At the end, i would like to see my xml file in a treeView and be able to
retrive all the info stored in the differents nodes (Year, month, day).
Does anybody knoes how can I do ?
Think you for your attention (and sorry for my english)...
I'm steel trying to read and update my XML file with Visual Basic
Express but i am unable to find the right way to read my xml file and
update it if neccessary...
Here is my problem : evry day, i store the number of children in my
classroom in my XML file. For exemple, on monday, my app ask me
something like this : msgbox ("Are the 28 children here today ?",vbyesno)
If not, I write 25 in an inputbox and i store this information in the xml.
On tuesday, I run my app and I would like to be asked :
"Are the 3 children (which where missing yesterday) back today ?"
If yes, I want to store 28 in the xml file. If not, I store the number
in my inputbox.
At the end, i would like to see my xml file in a treeView and be able to
retrive all the info stored in the differents nodes (Year, month, day).
Does anybody knoes how can I do ?
Think you for your attention (and sorry for my english)...