Before uninstalling, try unregistering Excel and reregistering. go to the
Start=>Run (with Excel closed)
in the box put in
excel /unregserver
and click Run
put in
excel /regserver
and click run
The /unregserver & /regserver stuff resets the windows registry to excel's
factory defaults.
If that doesn't work then:
I would install to a new directory incase there are corrupted files that
don't get uninstalled or there are some goofy registry setting.
Obviously you could try reinstalling as you prefer to and if that doesn't
fix it, then try uninstalling again and installing to a new directory.
I couldn't find anything in the Knowledge base specific to your problem.
Here are some articles of general interest related to problems with office
and uninstalling.;en-us;290301&Product=xl2003
Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility;en-us;822238&Product=off2003
HOW TO: Understand the Repair Feature in Microsoft Office 2003
Interesting in understanding some dependencies:;en-us;820930&Product=off2003
"Installation Source Has Been Corrupted" Error Message When You Install
Office 2003
Tom Ogilvy
Jim Zeeb said:
Yes, I did a custom install and VB and .NET were selected for installation.
Rather than installing to a new directory, can I uninstall, delete the
directory and then install to the same directory name.