the oem installation that comes preinstalled when you get the pc will have
some pro features disabled. i had to reimage my media center laptop once.
since it shows as pro edition when it is installing it will give you the
option to join domains and stuff. reimaging the pc comes at a cost though.
you will loose a few oem stuff unless you know how to restore them from the
installation CDs that came with your pc. i lost one of the oem games i think
but i never liked it anyways. reimaging the pc also gives you the option of
enabling extra features that you want and disabling features you don't want.
like iTunes for example. iTunes comes preinstalled. if you try to uninstall
it it will mess up other applications. when you reimage the pc it will give
you the option of not installing it because the application restore CDs will
let you pick what you want to install and what you do not want to install.
there is also another way to enable those two missing features as well but i
am not going into that yet. reimaging the pc also will enable the windows xp
encrypt data feature, in which in my opinion is not worth it. there are also
other pro features that can be enabled as well. its all in what options and
stuff you choose when you are configuring the pc durring the install and
stuff. there are also stuff in the add/remove windows commonents that you
can change around to get what you want. but you should configure thst before
installing updates for the os.