Vista64 Perfrom - Data collector output to local SQL

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jarryd
  • Start date Start date


Hi all,

I am running Vista 64. I want to record performance monitoring to a local
instance of SQL Express 2008. So, I created a database in SQL and made my
Windows login the owner. Created a System DSN using the SQL Server Native
Client 10.0, and it tested OK. I have created a data collector set and
configured the performance counter to output to the SQL DSN. The collector
set is "Run As" my Windows login, which is part of the local Admins group.
When I start the collector set I get:

When attempting to start the Data Collector Set the following system error
Call to SQLExecDirect Failed with %1.

The even 3042 doesn't provide an more information.

I can get this working on XP 32 bit using the standard SQL Server ODBC
driver, but when I try to use it on the Vista 64 machine it chucks up error
198 (Could not load the set up or translator library). If I run ODBC from
syswow64 then I can create the ODBC System DSN but it doesn't get picked up
by Pefrmon. What gives? This is annoying. Any workarounds to this
problem? Anyone been able to output Perfmon data to SQL on a Vista 64 bit


By the way, it creates the tables in the SQL database, but it doesn't seem
to be able to write to them. What more should I need to do? Can this be an
SQL problem if it can create tables?

