I've dual booted for quite a while between vista and xp. Yesterday,
got an error saying something to the effect of vista has a problem,
please put in installation DVD and restart. Did so, and Vista fixed
something and then was able to boot into Vista, but not XP.
Searched, and found what appeared to be solution; use EasyBCD to add
XP to boot menu. Did that, and at next reboot, got a menu for vista
or XP. Went into XP just fine. Later, I attempted to reboot to
Vista, but got the same original error message. Put in Vista DVD, did
the repair thing, and got back into Vista, but again with no boot menu
which would allow me to go to XP.
But, apparenlty I either used EasyBCD incorrectly, or something else
is the problem.
Any help?
got an error saying something to the effect of vista has a problem,
please put in installation DVD and restart. Did so, and Vista fixed
something and then was able to boot into Vista, but not XP.
Searched, and found what appeared to be solution; use EasyBCD to add
XP to boot menu. Did that, and at next reboot, got a menu for vista
or XP. Went into XP just fine. Later, I attempted to reboot to
Vista, but got the same original error message. Put in Vista DVD, did
the repair thing, and got back into Vista, but again with no boot menu
which would allow me to go to XP.
But, apparenlty I either used EasyBCD incorrectly, or something else
is the problem.
Any help?