Vista worth it?

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/Scott Thomas/ said:
Given the massive upgrades that I've been reading about, is it really
worth it to upgrade to Vista? Some of the upgrades people are talking
about here cost +/- $1000 just to be able to run an untested
Operating System. Is it really worth it?

That is a subjective decision.

For many, it is not worth it at this time. If a PC that is more than
two-years it could require costly upgrades to operate efficiently under
Vista, so it probably best in that case to buy new. Waiting won't hurt.

Utilities and enhancements can be added to XP to empower features that
are very similar to Vista.

There a several flavors of Vista. Check them out at the MS site. Also for "XP vs Vista"...for many interesting comparisons
and comments.
Given the massive upgrades that I've been reading about, is it really worth
it to upgrade to Vista?
Some of the upgrades people are talking about here cost +/- $1000 just to be
able to run an untested Operating System. Is it really worth it?
In another message you said you already purchased it, so the question
is moot for you, huh?
Given the massive upgrades that I've been reading about, is it really worth
it to upgrade to Vista?
Some of the upgrades people are talking about here cost +/- $1000 just to be
able to run an untested Operating System. Is it really worth it?
Scott Thomas said:
Given the massive upgrades that I've been reading about, is it really
it to upgrade to Vista?
Some of the upgrades people are talking about here cost +/- $1000 just to
able to run an untested Operating System. Is it really worth it?

Just ask yourself this question...

What will it do for you that your current OS won't do? Doesn't matter if
your running Windows XP or 95, or Linux or OS2 or CP/M or Flex...etc.
Scott Thomas said:
Given the massive upgrades that I've been reading about, is it really
it to upgrade to Vista?

In my opinion yes. I cannot go back to Windows XP without thinking how much
faster everything is in Vista, breadcrumbs navigation, Start search etc.
Some of the upgrades people are talking about here cost +/- $1000 just to

My 3 year old machines have been upgraded with no hardware upgrades
able to run an untested Operating System. Is it really worth it?

I was using Windows Vista for my day to day activities for a YEAR before its
release, as were thousands of other people. I don't think its fair to say
its untested.

Paul Smith,
Yeovil, UK.
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User.

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For me, it was worth it big time. I love new technology, and have been
working with Vista for a long time. It offers a lot more than XP did for
me. Only thing that disappoints: My DX10 games are not out yet. :)
Everything I do runs smoothly (except for a few minor things that got

For a customer of mine: NO WAY. She had a scanner she needed and
software that just wasn't compatible with Vista. Those were for her work
computer. She's holding off until she can get a new scanner and updates
on her software.
I upgraded nothing prior to installing Vista. So yes, it is worth it - for
me. Four year old motherboard, CPU and video card.



Richard Urban MVP
Microsoft Windows Shell/User
If someone spent $1000 on hardware upgrades to make their computer
compatible with Windows Vista, they really bought a new computer.
I have had Vista running for over 4 months on a laptop and Desktop.
The newest component between then is the Desktop video card that is
nearly 2 years old.
A bit of memory could help the laptop, but otherwise all is OK.

Everyone should decide what they expect from Vista and then determine
if the cost is warranted.

Windows XP will be supported for several more years.
The release of a new operating system is in itself not a good enough
reason to upgrade.
This applies to all hardware and software from all manufacturers, not
just Microsoft.
Scott Thomas said:
Given the massive upgrades that I've been reading about, is it really
it to upgrade to Vista?
Some of the upgrades people are talking about here cost +/- $1000 just to
able to run an untested Operating System. Is it really worth it?

Considering that one can buy a new computer with Vista Home Premium for +/-
$500-600 then why go nuts upgrading an existing system? Buy a new system and
have two systems for less than it would cost you to upgrade your old system.
Seems like a no brainer to me.

it depends how old your system is, if you have a old system it might cost
alot because you might need to buy compatible hardware. if you have a fairly
new system and upgraded you might just have to goto the manufactured website
and Download updated drivers. Older system drivers the manufactures dont
support them after a certain period of time. So it really depends how old
your system is. I upgraded and had 1 hardware conflict and that was my dial
up modem i took it out and everything worked perfectly
Jupiter Jones [MVP] wrote:
The release of a new operating system is in itself not a good enough
reason to upgrade.
This applies to all hardware and software from all manufacturers, not
just Microsoft.

Many users wait for Mac OS X 10.5 'Leopard' with BootCamp fully
integrated - Vista compatibility included

Roy Coorne said:
Jupiter Jones [MVP] wrote:

Many users wait for Mac OS X 10.5 'Leopard' with BootCamp fully
integrated - Vista compatibility included

Is taht what they call a troll ?
I agree it would be a good choice.
BUT so much software is unavailable
for the MAC, it is of dubious interest for most people.

There is very good and less expensive hardware availble
for the PC.
Buying a Mac would be an excellent alternative to this Windows crap. I
can't believe Microsoft STILL hasn't figured it out yet. Amazing. All I
have to say is: "Wow" I can't believe Microsoft can't seem to get it right.
What other company in the world could continue to put out shitty products
and still be in business? People and companies can't continue to wait for
Microsoft to figure it out.