Vista won't start when TV Tuner added

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I've got Vista Ultimate installed and running great, but when I tried to
install an ATi TV Wonder 650 the PC won't boot. It gets about halfway into
loading the... Knight Rider looking... thing... and then it just stops. The
exact same thing happens whether I'm booting normally, into Safe Mode, or
even booting from the DVD (so I can't run the Startup Repair tool).

The TV Wonder works perfectly in XP, so I know it's not a bad card. Any ideas?

Thanks a bunch.
Actually, scratch that one. I just tried to, but it's an install package that
detects what hardware is ready to install. Since Vista won't start when the
card is in, that's not possible.
If the 650 card is in a slot next to a graphics card in an AGP slot trying
moving it to another slot and leave the pCI slot next to the AGP slot empty.
I've tried multiple PCI slots to no avail. I'm certain it's not a hardware
problem for two reasons:

1. - It works fine in XP.
2. - Windows doesn't stall until after it loads all of its preload system
files (ending with crcdisk.sys).

This problem reminds me of when I upgraded my motherboard one time with XP.
Not knowing that it had limits on how much hardware you could change within
one XP installation, I just plugged everything into the new motherboard and
it stalled like this right when the logo came up. But this isn't a
motherboard, nor is it even close to a significant upgrade.
Do you have the latest BIOS for your MOBO?
Do you have have the latest Vista drivers for your version of Vista (32 bit
or 64 bit ) from the ATI Website?
Yes and yes. But as I said, I can't get as far as to install the ATi drivers,
because Vista won't start up.
efin said:
I've got Vista Ultimate installed and running great, but when I tried to
install an ATi TV Wonder 650 the PC won't boot. It gets about halfway into
loading the... Knight Rider looking... thing... and then it just stops. The
exact same thing happens whether I'm booting normally, into Safe Mode, or
even booting from the DVD (so I can't run the Startup Repair tool).

The TV Wonder works perfectly in XP, so I know it's not a bad card. Any ideas?

Thanks a bunch.
Are you sure It's OK to use with Vista? Check the manufacturers website.

FYI My AverMedia TV tuner that worked fine under XP caused Vista to not
see a video card at all. I got some generic video settings but could not
install any software or drivers for it. Removed the TV card and all was
Yeah, it is supposed to work in Vista. That was one thing I made sure to
check before buying it. :)
I am pretty much out of ideas:
When the board worked on XP was it on the same system?
If not how big is the power supply on the Vista system.
Do you have another tuner card of any type that you can try and install?
Same system with the exception of the hard drive. It's an XP install before I
upgraded to the current larger drive, and that drive has just been sitting in
my system unplugged. So I can swap drives and boot up in XP fine with the
card in.
It is possible that a card that works in XP will not work in Vista since the
requirements of the driver and the BIOS are different and may use different
functionaliy of the card. Short of going back to XP and installing VISTA as
an inplace upgrade with the card installed I have no other options and do
not even like the idea of suggesting that you reinstall Vista.