You are probably talking about thee auto-complete list of contacts.
Windows Mail does not auto-complete from your regular contacts.
It uses a separate list of the last 29 recipients you've sent mail to.
You can delete the entire auto-complete list as follows:
Or try this other utility to selectively remove some unwanted addresses:
The newer replacement mail program, Windows Live Mail, uses the
standard contacts list for auto-completion.
You are encouraged to upgrade to the newer WLM program:
It will automatically import all your Windows Mail data.
Gary VanderMolen, Microsoft MVP (Mail)
"Hari" wrote in message
When I click on the Contacs button on Windows Mail tool bar, I get to see my
cotacts list. But when I click on the TO button while Creating Mail, it opens
a contacts list which is not the same. Why does that happen and how to
correct it?